
Oct 24, 2013 12:58

(discussing the fact that we often don't use up a container of milk before it goes bad ( Read more... )

chat logs, silliness, weird

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Comments 5

elenbarathi October 24 2013, 20:32:01 UTC
LOL, dwarf cows are known as 'goats'. They're not cheaper or easier than anything.*

Maybe when you buy a quart of milk, you could pour half into a pitcher for immediate use and put the other half in the freezer for later?

[This is a joke; I know there's real dwarf cows. They produce more than two gallons of milk a day though, so that wouldn't solve your problem.]


arethinn October 25 2013, 06:07:44 UTC
Heheh... "that's obviously cheaper and easier" was sarcasm.

eta: although we've jokingly considered goats for other reasons, such as trimming the lawn, but we don't have anywhere near enough area to sustain even one goat.

Freezer space is kind of at a premium, so as much as I dislike the extra packaging, pints might be a compromise.


elenbarathi October 25 2013, 15:49:50 UTC
LOL, my first husband and I had no car, and the grocery store was a mile away, so we used to joke about getting a mule, and stabling it on the back porch of our tiny city apartment.

Goats don't trim lawns - they're browsers, not grazers; what they do in a yard is devour everything but the lawn, starting with the roses. If you want a self-propelled perpetual lawnmower, what you need is a horse. Or a mule, right? XD

In all honesty, there's no method of lawn care, including cutting the grass by hand with nail scissors, that wouldn't end up to be cheaper and easier than having animals do it, especially if you also have to milk them twice a day and make cheese.


arethinn October 25 2013, 18:09:13 UTC
Goats don't trim lawns - they're browsers, not grazers

Y'know, I knew that, and yet I still have this misconceived idea that people do that. (Though we certainly do see occasional goat herds out on some of the grassy expanses of land by the highways around here.)

My preferred method of lawn care is to not have a lawn, and plant something else that works as ground cover without needing mowing, or as much water as grass does in this Mediterranean part of California.


coyotegoth October 25 2013, 00:24:25 UTC


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