Title: Light blue and pink
arence_heartCharacters/Pairings: Milly/Lloyd
Rating: G
Summary: Isn't waiting for your nails to dry boring? Stay still and amuse yourself with something, usually memories.
Blue? Or maybe pink? Pink is the official 'I'm a cute girl' color. However, Lloyd doesn't really care about those things, so the whole thing will be lost to him anyway. Then, blue it is, Milly decides, picking up the blue nail polish and falling back to the mountains of pillows on her bed.
Blue is a good idea, she reflects, it matches his eyes and his ever-present lab coat. Well, she thinks it's a lab coat, honestly, it could be a normal coat that looks like a lab one or… well it doesn't really matter: he always wears it, it will match the color of her toe nails, that's all.
As she paints the first little nail, she wonders about the first time they met, the whole disaster it was (well, to his credit, machine oil did have a prettier color than the coffee they drank that day) and how much fun she's been having since that day.
The days of formal dates in fancy restaurants with ugly, old men are over. All that's left is Lloyd. That really should be all she has to say.
She doesn't have to spend two hours in front of the mirror making herself pretty for some guy (she still does, but now she wants to do it). Instead, she wears her light pink and blue blouse (it's kind old, sure, but it's her favorite), white shorts, sandals, and decides to paint one toe nail blue, the next pink, the next blue.
And she doesn't spend the evening pretending the stock market for recycled paper is an interesting topic either. Instead, they go to the lab and she watches him work and work for hours with that amazing, huge smile on his face, saying all kinds of technical stuff she doesn't get, but loves just because he is so happy when he looks at her and she nods at how awesome Lacelot's new how-do-you-pronounce-that is. Or they stay in the school, hidden in the secret warehouse with the Ganymede, for hours and hours and hours and..,
And, how come nothing has happened yet? Mostly they spend their time alone, hidden behind scraps of metal and things that once were Knightmare Frames and now are… scraps of metal. And Lacenlot's feet, she's almost intimate with them, and the Ganymede's chest too.
There is just too many metal machinery distracting Lloyd, that's all, she concludes as she paints the last little blue nail and starts with the pink ones. It's not that he doesn't like her, he just likes his machines better, she's come to accept that with time, and some help from Cecile-kun. The man loves his machines, and she loves her freedom, they are even.
At first, she felt a little hurt, when she asked to program the wedding after her graduation, and all he did was nod without turning away from the big mass of wire on his lap. He was a very considerate person, truly interested in her happiness, she concluded a couple of weeks after the incident.
As he paints little pink dots on the blue nails, she thinks of his eyes. Everything that is blue reminds her of his eyes. She has spent many hours in front of the mirror, comparing her reflection to the one picture of him she has, and trying to find the exact word for the color of his eyes. Hers are sky blue, she has that one down, but his she cannot describe. Sometimes they look more grey than blue, but some others, they are a bright, clear blue color.
For some time, when they formalized their relationship and every worry of having to get married and loosing her freedom disappeared, the color of his eyes was one of her major interests. As she turns the little pink dots to little pink flowers, she remembers a a hot summer evening, completely bored after all the student council members had gone home, she spent all the night and part of the next morning searching, and verified that no one on the school records, from kindergarden to high school, had the exact same color of eyes as his.
When she can't fit another pink flower on her blue, she picks up the blue one and casually looks at the clock. It's just two thirty, she can finish the other half of her nails and wonder if the name of that color is grey, blue, or blue-gray, and still be on time. Little blue flower, maybe it's really blue, after little blue flower, or maybe there is a more specific term for the color, after little blue flower and…
It's already three? Mmm, he will arrive soon. She puts the last little blue flower on her pink toe, stands up from the pillows and goes downstairs to wait. He is usually early, Cecile-kun makes sure of that, even if he arrives covered with machine or, like that fabulous time, without the coat. He was surprisingly thin and fit for a guy that did nothing than hum and tighten screws all day (or so his work seemed to be), but, well, who wouldn't be thing with Cecile's homemade food nearby.
She's had the pleasure of tasting that before. She started reading cooking books after that. Not that she thinks she will need that particular skill, her family has enough money for her to afford a nice cook, but she prefers to know what not to do, in case of emergency. Maybe she should take classes from the expert herself.
It's been ten minutes already, weird but not completely unusual, maybe another explosion, hopefully this one didn't involve microscopical samples of Sakuradite. She goes upstairs and brings back both pink and blue with her to the living room.
Twenty minutes after that, after the third layer of pink over blue over pink, Celile-kun calls.
Five minutes later, Milly is kicking the Ganymede's blue paint, hoping to leave a huge dent so the next time Lloyd actually arrives to a date, he can rage just as she is doing right now, and they will be even again.