Damn right thats fucking bullshit. His pussy ass steals money from people and is a bitch about it when they want to settle it. And the worst part is hes steals money from fucking girls, i dont care how hard you thinks that makes you but fot real ross get a fucking life man. One of these days in the very near future you are going to try to pull that shit on some one and if its not me i know plenty of people who will beat the living shit out of you and make a damn video and send that shit to your damn mom. So some words of wisdom, contiue to be a loser but buddy chillout stealing from people especially girls.
arya, i dont care WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK you are, but chill the fuck out. they didnt say they were gonna kill your ass. and dont try to stick up for ross, he can do it himself. besides, you will probably fuck up yalls friendship kinna like u did with hayden... remember? fuck you.
and feel free to be a man whenever you want, im not hiding behind a computer screen, so i already feel like more of a man. i think you know what the consequences would be for opening your fucking mouth anyway.
thumbs up are the bestduncaniscoolDecember 11 2004, 16:39:54 UTC
o that laughing one was me, sry-forgot to enter user name. ur a funny kid u. i just like how everyone fights on these gay livejournals. but much love-shelli ps. thanks for ur castration hopes lol O and one day, when u least expect it, yea im gonna kick ur ass ;) heheh
ur gay as shit
March 14 2005, 14:41:38 UTC
dude, u and ross are 2 little pussies, yall both are stuck so far up each other asses that neither one of you realize that everybody thinks yall are both gay as shit. Pothead motherfuckers who nobody likes. ur goin nowhere in life and yall with both end up as 2 pieces of shit when you get older. If you are so hardcore bitch then why did you and your pussy friend ross no-show to 2 fights in a row, like 2 cunt ass pussy bitches. Ur gay as fuck is so if ur gay fuck partner ross. Eat my asshole and have a hell of a day u pussy ass mother fucking bitch.
how many times have u actually fucked ross in the ass...everybody wants to know
Re: ur gay as shitareeuhApril 15 2005, 11:18:55 UTC
you can talk all the shit you want, ill hook you up some respect when you build the balls to say this shit to my face. i can promise you'll suffer from some fucking trauma you pussy bitch. i'll knock your nose off your fucking face bitch. now that ross is gone i ain't listening to any shittalking, you talk shit, i beat the fucking piss out of you. please come talk shit to my face, im inviting you, but i know it wont happen because like i said, you are a pussy.
Re: ur gay as shit
April 25 2005, 13:29:59 UTC
alright u fucking sand nigger, ill kill ur mother fucking ass, and if u knew who i was u wouldnt be talking shit mother fucker, so lets meet up somewhere and ill bring my gun and we will settle this shit you little afghani bitch ass mother fucker, so i would suggest u back off before i make you regret everything you said, and kill your punk ass. so watch urself bitch. and i would recommend you talk no more shit. Bitch doesnt know when to stop. This is Justin Curry, and i go to Camden military, im 6'4 and weigh 230 pounds im 17 i case u were wondering. i live in spartanburg and have seen u in the gay ass little jeep thinkin ur all badass, and If u ever fuck with anybody that i like especially emmet shuler or if u ever say shit to me you will never see the light of another day so back off mother fucker, ur not as badass as u think you are, and i will kill ur mixed bitch ass. Foreign son of a bitch. I dare you to reply and give me ur number so we can meet up bitch. Thanks FAG
Thats what i thought bitch
May 9 2005, 21:25:15 UTC
i figured u wouldnt reply bitch. u truly are a pussy on the inside, no matter how badass u think u are. u are a fuckin PUSSY. when u get the balls to reply leave ur number and where you would like to meet up. Ive never talked to you before, but ive seen u and thats enough for me to whip ur ass, so peace out...............pussy. -Justin C.
Comments 19
stop making anonymous comments on my livejournal before i find out who you are and make you regret it.
oh, and trust me, i don't give a fuck who you are, i'll bash your fucking dome open with a lead pipe and skull fuck you.
arya- you still neeeeed to get a life
and feel free to be a man whenever you want, im not hiding behind a computer screen, so i already feel like more of a man. i think you know what the consequences would be for opening your fucking mouth anyway.
hope you get get castrated in the near future.
ps. thanks for ur castration hopes lol O and one day, when u least expect it, yea im gonna kick ur ass ;) heheh
how many times have u actually fucked ross in the ass...everybody wants to know
-Justin C.
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