A mutual friend emailed me with very sad news. There is a great void in the Herc/Xenaverse now - a great writer and long-time friend has died after a battle with breast cancer. Those who have been in the fandom for many years will remember her as Thamiris: founder of the KSmithAres list, gifted writer and story-teller. She left us way too soon
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I only met Tham once in person when she passed through my hometown for a slash con and I hosted a get together for listsibs who were also attending. We had had a huge disagreement a few days before and I had no idea what to expect when she visited. All I remember now is a bit of awkwardness, followed by the two of us looking at each other behind a group of our listsibs and a smile that passed her face as we both agreed in silence that the arguement had been stupid. We began laughing in stereo and I know no one else knew why. That is the Tham I am remembering now.
I never knew why we completely stopped speaking and it really doesn't matter now. I hope she is at peace.
It's funny how things that seemed so important at the time fall away with perspective in a time like this.
Love ya!
Tham and I had some serious disagreements over the years and she was not happy with either me or Karesia when we broke away from KSmithAres to found a strictly het/gen list, Altar_of_Ares. But in time, she understood that KSmithAres had become all slash and the het fic just wasn't welcome there anymore.
She and I patched up our differences and I'm glad we did. She could be harsh and judgemental, but she could also be warm and supportive. More than anything else, she was a brilliant writer and storyteller.
In the last few yrs., we had gotten to a place in our friendship where we could joke about my distaste for Ares slash and her hate of the dreaded Mary-Sue that she perceived most het to be.
I will miss her very much. The fandom has suffered a great loss and I've lost a good friend.
Good journey to Thamiris.
And a fitting tribute here...
The thing that really sticks with me is that for many years, she was a heavy smoker and was always trying to quit, but never completely did. She'd post in her journal that she was giving it another attempt and we'd all cheer her on, but she never quite gave it up completely and fell back into smoking. I can't help buy wonder if that long history of heavy smoking may have contributed to her cancer in some way.
Love ya, LOTS!
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