Smoke And Lightning Ficlet: The Way Things Are (For gooferdusty)

Jun 04, 2013 22:25

Title: Smoke & Lightning : The Way Things Are
Authors: eviltwin
Fandoms: Supernatural RPS AU
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki.
Wordcount: 3,649
Rating: Adult.
Summary: Jensen and Jared's celebration of ten years together is interrupted.
Disclaimer: None of the following is true in any way, and no profit is made from this work of fiction.
Notes: I ( Read more... )

extras: ficlet

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Comments 3

txrabbit March 15 2014, 12:35:32 UTC
I got up this morning, and my rotating wallpaper was sitting on a gorgeous Jared from Whatever Comes Our Way. I was struck with a sudden need to re-read this entire epic. I've got it saved on my computer, but i wanted to come remind you both that you did a great thing. From your first post this has been one of my favorite pieces of work t read, mostly because the characters feel so real. Thanks for all the love you put into this, and thanks for finishing it for us when your own interest was flagging. You both are a piece of work, and I'm glad to have met you.


rule_number_7 April 5 2014, 02:08:15 UTC
Spent most of my free time since last Friday rereading from the beginning. My sleep schedule is not happy with me for it lol I can't express how much I love this whole verse. It's the kind you keep coming back to reread again, regardless of whether or not it's still a fandom you're active in. Thank you both for sticking to it until the end <3


xvemmix_2210 March 26 2021, 13:12:51 UTC
So much love right about now xxx


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