Gender Bender Chapter 3

Jan 08, 2010 18:39

  Chapter 2

“Er...Rangiku-san?” Ichigo murmured. “I... need some help...”

“Can't get your bra on properly?” she asked in a sing song voice.

“Shh!” Ichigo hissed. “Can't you speak more quietly?”

They were in the middle of a large department store, trying on lingerie. Matsumoto had insisted that they get underwear first. And Ichigo had been blushing the entire time as they walked through displays of lace and silk and satin. Everything was so tiny and what did she need a bra for anyway?!

“I figured mine out just fine.” Renji said smugly from the next dressing room over. “Ya haven't been undressing girls enough, Ichi-chan.”

“S-shut up, Renji!” Ichigo squealed, blushing even deeper as Matsumoto entered the dressing room with her.

“Oh, your little breasts are just so cute!” The busty woman said, fondling Ichigo as she helped to place the bra in its proper position.

“Rangiku-san! Stop touching me!” the orangette demanded, “Perverted woman! You're molesting me!”

“Ya say that like its a bad thing...” Renji muttered. “Ya really are a virgin, aren't ya, Ichi?”

“So what if I am? At least I'm not a slut like you!”

“If you're tryin' to insult me you're doin' a poor job...”

Ichigo gritted her teeth, looking down at the scrap of white lace that Rangiku had fitted over her newly formed breasts. It was so embarrassing to have her false body fondled and petted at all the time. Why were people so fascinated with this body? It was just another girl body, right? Not that he would know about that anyway...

In any case, she couldn't wait to get her old body back. This new body was strange and foreign. She'd taken a bath the night before and had been horrified at the thought of washing herself! She just couldn't... touch this new body. It was too weird. In the end she'd closed her eyes and tried to pretend she had her old body back. It didn't work, but the attempt was comforting in itself.

“Oi, Rangiku-san!” Renji called, stepping out of the dressing room. “I think this one is too small.”

The blonde peeked out at Renji, pursing her lips thoughtfully. “Looks pretty good to me...”

Ichigo looked out at the redhead and nearly choked. “Gah! What are you talking about?! It's tiny! And-and your bre- You're practically spilling out!”

Strawberry-red faced and mortified the orange haired girl ducked back into the dressing room and squeaked. Renji was out there, barely dressed, spilling out of her bra, and anyone could see! Did the woman have no shame? Standing so nonchalantly, covered in nothing but jeans and black lace... oh god...

“Exactly!” Matsumoto gushed. “You look very sexy! Let's get that one!”

Renji nodded, smirking as she went back into the dressing room. “Alright!”


The day was spent in the same mortifying manner, getting dragged by a bosomy blonde and a tattooed redhead all through the mall like a puppet. Ichigo was forced to try on dozens of different outfits. Including dresses and skirts! And all the while Rangiku giggled like a schoolgirl and Renji smirked. It was beyond humiliating, it was torture. Ichigo wanted to die of embarrassment.

They took a break in the food court at one point, which proved to be worse than the shopping. Men kept coming up to their table while they were eating, chatting up Rangiku, asking for Renji's number. A couple even told Ichigo she was cute. As if she hadn't been blushing before.

But by the end of the day everyone had a whole new wardrobe (courtesy of Soul Society's expense account). Even Matsumoto, who didn't even need the clothes.

They arrived back at the shouten exhausted and in need of good news. Urahara Kisuke fulfilled at least part of that.

“Kurosaki-kun! Abarai-kun! I do hope you enjoyed yourselves!” he simpered, waving his fan heartily. “I have some good news for the both of you!”

Ichigo looked up from where she'd collapsed on the floor, eyes hopeful. “You found a cure?”

“Indeed! I have!”

Ichigo was on her feet in a moment, eyes shining. “Really? Can I have it now? Will it turn me completely back to normal?”

“Well...” the expression was hidden behind the fringe of a green and white hat. “See now that is a problem...”

Ichigo's hope deflated immediately. “What?”

“You see, in order for me to ensure that the cure is made properly and will work completely, it'll take at least two weeks for me to make it...”

“Two weeks?” Ichigo's voice came out as a squeak. Her eyes were wide and when she took a step back, she wobbled dangerously. “I-I can't miss school for two weeks!”

Renji shrugged. “Then ya'll just have to go to school, ne?”

Ichigo looked down at herself, the budding, smallish breasts, the slender waist, the curvy ass. “I can't go to school like this!”


In the end there was no choice. School started the next day and Ichigo laid awake in her bed, contemplating whether or not it was possible to die of humiliation.

They'd come up with a plan, they would say that Ichigo was on an trip with his aunt and uncle, and that this new girl Ichigo was boy Ichigo's cousin, Saya. “Saya” would hang around for the next couple of weeks while Ichigo was away.

It was so unfair... All Renji had to do was erase everyone's memories, then a female Renji wouldn't be a surprise to anyone. But of course Ichigo couldn't do that... Otherwise no one would remember her as a male! Why, why did these things always happen to Ichigo?

She was so lost in thought that she never heard the door slide open, or the slide of fabric on skin as someone walked through the room towards her.

“Hey, Ichi. How're ya holdin' up?” A soft voice asked, causing the spiky-haired girl to jump half a foot in the air.

“Renji?” she whispered, gritting her teeth. “Don't sneak up on me like that!” she hissed.

Renji rolled her eyes, settling down to sit beside Ichigo's futon. “Ya were freakin' out a lot today. I thought I'd see how ya were.” she murmured, flicking her braided hair over one shoulder.

In the dim light Ichigo could barely discern the concerned look on her friends face, but it was strangely comforting to know that Renji was still her friend despite what had happened.

“I just don't know what to do, I guess... Not something you deal with everyday, you know?” She said nervously, looking down at her hands. There were still callouses on her palms, despite all the transformations the marks from Zangetsu remained on her hands. She was still Kurosaki Ichigo, no matter what.

“Yeah, it's a little weird.” Renji said, smiling comfortingly. “But it'll be over eventually, right?”

“R-right.” Ichigo managed a small smile. “Yeah, I guess I just got to look on the bright side. Thanks, Renji.”

A glint of mischief appeared in the redhead's eyes but she quickly smothered it. “No problem. Just look at the silver linin', Ichi. It'll all get better.” the tall woman chuckled.

Ichigo was feeling the most normal she had since this whole mess started, and she was about to thank Renji again. But then the tattoo-sporting shinigami just had to ruin the moment.

She'd leaned forward and kissed Ichigo right on the lips! Like it was the most natural thing in the world! Ichigo was stunned, flabbergasted, unable to react for several minutes.

But by the time she regained her senses the other woman's tongue was busily exploring her mouth and she was horrified to realize that she was kissing back.

It was wet but gentle and strangely innocent. Ichigo soon found that it was pleasant to slide her tongue against Renji's, so she did, and her eyes closed and she completely forgot that this was bad. That she was in the wrong body and Renji had just stolen her first kiss. She forgot everything except for the velvety feel of lips caressing and tongues sliding and sucking. It was so surreal and so good.

“G'night, Ichigo.” Renji murmured, pulling away and leaving a confused strawberry behind. The redhead left quickly shutting the door behind her.

What just happened? Ichigo asked herself. Not sure she wanted to hear the answer... She blinked, running a finger over her swollen, wet lips, and tasting Renji on them. Did I just...?

She couldn't get to sleep that night, her mind was bursting with sensations. The sensation of surprisingly soft lips over her own, of a hot mouth that tasted vaguely sweet, like dark chocolate. But the redhead in the room next door did sleep, dreaming of innocent blushing faces and stealing kisses from lovers with spiky orange hair....

Kinda short I know, but interesting nonetheless, don't you think? Please review!

Chapter 4

bleach gender bender genderswitch funny

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