[Fic] Wild Gyration (PoT) FujiRyo

Sep 08, 2006 23:50

Title: Wild Gyration
Author: Arccie
Pairing: XD If you can't tell by now...FujiRyo
Rating: T
Summary: Music drives the body.
Author Notes: lil_blossom was given a promise that I'd sit down and just write something. well that didn't quite work, especially as it was a nightclub plot bunny that dove into my head. As such this turned into an ( Read more... )

fic, fujiryo, pot

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Comments 11

jibunde September 8 2006, 14:33:56 UTC
*loves you* I had no idea I liked this kind of fiction. Seems like I do XD~
This was ... wah! Fuji! Ryouma! Feel the thrill ^~^


arctic_dragon September 15 2006, 14:23:24 UTC
So glad you enjoyed it.
I don't know why, but my muses were being funny and this mix of flowing sentences and sentence fragments is the result. Actually it turned out surprisingly well.
FujiRyo thrill! Not dead quite yet.


ellachan September 11 2006, 11:37:41 UTC
Oh, your Fuji is such a great guy~ ^^ I can see him in his room listening to Gackt and thinking how to make Ryo-chan have sex, umm, I mean, DANCE with him XD


arctic_dragon September 15 2006, 14:14:35 UTC
Fuji and Ryoma have fun together.
I can sort of see Rtoma sitting in his room plotting the same thing.
Well, it always works best when you can think alike on the important things right?


lil_blossom September 24 2006, 06:47:41 UTC
I didn't review this? weird....

I'm amused like woez~

I miss thrill pair ♥


arctic_dragon September 29 2006, 08:02:29 UTC
You didn't review it so I thought you didn't love me anymore...or alternatively were dead (especially as I haven'te run into you on MSN in too long) *sniffle*

...so the weird formatting didn't detract from the fic?

*pokes Thrill Pair fandom and watches a few lazy bees buzz*
You know, before you would have gotten at least a partial swarm.


forochel October 12 2006, 14:04:35 UTC


Dude, why are there not more comments for this?


arctic_dragon October 13 2006, 15:56:51 UTC

...there are no comments because ther is well...basically no fandom. No one who writes or reads FujiRyo unfortunately.
It was nice that I could tempt you in briefly.


forochel October 13 2006, 16:13:55 UTC
Any more? I was so delighted when I revisisted the comm and found that there was fic.

...don't make me feel guilty. ;__;


arctic_dragon October 13 2006, 16:33:18 UTC
More? Well, not at the moment. But I am still working at Thrill Pair, it's just my usual lack of productivity combined with exam times.

...I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I did notice you've been very busy with your J-pop fandom/s...though I'd love to see you write in the PoT fandom again.


desert_anbu February 15 2007, 20:38:34 UTC
Club scenes are definitely some of the hottest around, and this was droolworthy. <3


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