Fic Requests

Sep 03, 2006 00:35

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Comments 14

lil_blossom September 3 2006, 06:32:47 UTC
I don't know if you'd write them but Kanda/Allen? because I'm desperate? If not Hao/Yoh or Creed/Train.

Prompt... hmmm, how about the line "I was loving the pain you would learn" ... just because I'm listening to one more forever by Unfinished Thought and that line just played.... haha...

Because I like angst :D ♥

Mmmm, and to get me off my lazy ass I'll ask you to five me a fandom/pairing and a prompt ^_^


arctic_dragon September 5 2006, 15:01:15 UTC
I think I'll try my hand at the Kanda/Allen thing.
If worse comes to worse it will only suck...

Because I like angst
Yes dear, that's like saying rain is wet.

Hmm, I read this a while ago and waited to reply because I was thinking about what fandom and prompt to give you (and boy was it hard), but I think I'll stick with the D.Gray-man theme.
Pairing: General Cross + Allen
Prompt: Things are exactly as they seem, except when they aren't.

Or if you can't do DGM, then I'll also put my hand in for Hao/Yoh.


jgal87 September 3 2006, 09:42:49 UTC
write me anything/any pairing, so long it's from the Harry Potter fandom. However, just don't give me a fic with Lord Voldermort as part of the slash pairing -_-();;

However, my fav. pairing would be Snape/Hermione, Draco/Ginny ^^;; However, I shall leave the pairing up to you entirely.


arctic_dragon September 5 2006, 15:03:08 UTC
Hmm...I'm not too good on the het front, so I'll probably try and stick to gen if I manage something Snape/Hermione or Draco/Ginny -ish.

However...prompt, please?

Diving into the HP fandom without direction gives me fears to figurative drowning.


jgal87 September 6 2006, 00:11:07 UTC
hm..m... prompt... maybe something one on one potions tutoring session? (not exactly sure what a prompt meant...) ^^;;


arctic_dragon September 6 2006, 01:22:47 UTC
Prompt, hmm, well as in an idea to give me some inspiration.
Like a quote or an image, etc. which I generally try and include in the fic or use figuratively in the fic.
Does that make it clear?


madamada_chan September 3 2006, 12:47:30 UTC
heehee~! ♥ of course i'll take up the offer. there's no way i'd let a chance like this pass ^__^

well then! pairing would be FujiRyo of course! and the prompt...? hmmm... piggyback ride! XD just because i've been fascinated by the idea lately. :p

thank you~!


arctic_dragon September 5 2006, 15:09:37 UTC
Good old FujiRyo.
I will take this request with glee.
...and a FujiRyo piggyback ride is a fascinating idea. Hmmm, now to coax out the recalcitrant muses.

No problem.


madamada_chan September 5 2006, 15:56:09 UTC
yay! from the moment i made the request, i've been excited to read it. and a FujiRyo fic just for me! wow... ♥

good luck!


arctic_dragon November 21 2006, 08:17:10 UTC
*peaks head out of long time hidey hole*
well i finally had time to do it.
It's the most recent entry in my journal.


julzbat September 3 2006, 12:53:58 UTC
Ooh....fic meme....
Erm...I would absolutely love it if you would write something for Air Gear. Or maybe Speed Grapher since it's the freshest in your mind (I think).....
Or if that's a bit of a stretch, then we'll go with Whistle!

No specific pairings really but in the way of a prompt: at the drop of a hat.


arctic_dragon September 5 2006, 15:15:10 UTC
Hmmm...I think I will make an attempt at the prompt from the Air Gear angle, hopefully my mind is up to the challenge.
If not then I will happily play with Whistle (gorgeous gorgeous whistle which I need to rewatch again soon)

And now for a service announcement:
"Thankyou for participating in this endeavout. Helping fanfiction writers down on their luck is a worthy cause that is worth a gold star"



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