Meme from Ms. mizuno_youko

Sep 08, 2008 21:07

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Sadly, it's more interesting to answer other people's questions than ones I've specifically chosen to answer. I could have made up some questions in expectation of people I'm tagging, but

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
I was tagged. Really. See here for details. (Interestingly, I also typed "Avalon" into another field in a form I was filling out at the same time as I was getting to this.) In terms of my tags, I considered whether I should tag people to galvanize those who don't post or to get more out of those who do, but decided that the latter would be less misanthropic. I'm looking at you, arifyn, aseop_, bladeforge, blitzcon, Ms. darkenez0_o, Ms. Maelwaedd, Ms. oneirotsai (despite the fact that you're tentatively not having an LJ anymore), and phoenix_talon. (Wow, I really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel by that criterion to get eight.)

1. What are your nicknames?
Some call me "Mike," and my pen name is "Mikael Wai-Am Wong." I haven't been called "Mikey" for a decade or two, as far as I know. I guess that means you can guess what my real given name is, but that's a far cry from identity theft. (Hell, my legal name is four words.) Interestingly enough, when I was a child, I went through a phase where I required people to call me only by my full first name, which only caused my friends to try to make me angry by calling me be an abbreviation. I don't know why I wanted that. Interestingly enough, my brother now makes the same demand of others, despite the fact that he's 21 and has no way of knowing that I once did it.

2. What do you do before bedtime?
Get home from work, take drugs, eat a bit

3. What fandom(s) are you most into at the moment?
I don't really do much with fandom. I have a couple of fan works listed as starter projects, but neither is terribly important to me.

4. What is your favorite scent?
I've commented on this earlier, so I'll just say that I don't have one.

5. What video[ ]games are you playing at the moment?
I've just finished ~an epic~ (and haven't gotten around to posting my corrections to the faulty information I gave), and I've been slacking on most of my training, so just Brain Age² at the moment.

6. What do you eat the most?
Probably frozen peas

7. What's your favorite pair of socks?
I don't differentiate between the socks that I wear, not even to put them in pairs.

8. What was your first big fandom?
The only time I really paid any attention to any fan community was with Slayers.

9. Is there anything that has made you happy in the past few days?
I've read some amusing stuff (to be noted in a later post and had some interesting ideas. Also, anytime work stops is nice.

10. Do you have a good body-image?
No, but I don't care about that anyway. I have a policy of wearing trousers when I go to public places.

11. Is being tagged fun?
As I've noted before, I find memes amusing to do. They're also an excuse to tell people things about myself, despite the fact that they're not interested.

12. What websites do you visit daily?
This has not changed since last time I was asked, except that I've started using My Yahoo! but haven't managed to get it to be routine yet.

13. What city, country would you most want to live in if not where you are now?
Currently, I'm working on trying to get to Bellevue, USA.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
See above for notes on whether or not I was tagged. In that semi-hypothetical situation, I would say that I don't know her, but she seems like a good person who is perhaps a bit trusting of strangers and not easily creeped out.

15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
That's already a field in LJ posts for that.

16. What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My black shirt. It's too bad I can't find more of those.

17. What's better: to give or to receive?
To receive, although it's somewhat irritating when I get something I don't want.

18. What would you do if you see $100 lying on the ground?
That depends a lot on the rest of the situation. In general, if there's no obvious dropper present, I would probably turn it in to whatever authorities have jurisdiction (the police, a building lost and found, et cetera).

19. What items could you not go without during the day?
"Can" is a hyperbole in most cases. I have kept living for 24 hours without pretty much anything at one point or another, but I'm the worst for wear without my glasses, drugs, and nourishment.

20. What should you be doing right now?
Typing more posts I've been asked to post, following up on jobs, working on projects and other such stuff

21. Do you always use conditioner when washing your hair?
Yes. It's included in the shampoo.

Anything I haven't bothered to fill in is noted by an ellipsis or a broken link. If you remind me, I may remember to fix those. Cut-and-paste errors should also be identified and stamped out.

Internet, スレイヤーズ, video games, Abdiel, employment, memes, Cow Level, blog, in the works, society, whitelinks, projects, dreams

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