Title: Hairline Cracks
Fandom: Gundam 00
Characters: Setsuna, Lockon
Rating: PG for violence.
Wordcount: 3,381
Summary: As he wanders the world with Exia between seasons, Setsuna finds the unexpected happening: even as the past stays with him, he's growing up.
Setsuna had never had birthday parties. )
Comments 12
I'm so bad at leaving comments for fics D: But I thought it was very well-written. :D Added to Memories! ♥
Haha, I can't really do shippy for Lockon and Setsuna anyway, so...not a worry. I can do gen or porn, but in between stuff fails me. XD
And it's lines like that that make me love writing Setsuna dialogue. It goes out the other side of terrible to weirdly adorable.
Or for a more coherent comment:
I love how you frame the episodes in the fic using mundane aspects of life like shaving, grey hair, haircut. Normal things that always make good contrast with people with lives like Celestial Being. I also like the scarcity of dialogue combined with exposition paragraphs that make it sound so much like Setsuna's voice. I smiled at the second-to-last section, when Setsuna doesn't want to make metaphors but ended up being a metaphor anyway, which is a refreshing way to make a metaphor. (It's so metaphoric! :P) And although the fic is centered on Setsuna and Lockon, the inclusion of Marina, Tieria, Allelujah and Sumeragi are short but spot-on.
Whatever his hair looked like, he would keep moving forward with Gundam.
I've been writing Lockon, Tieria, and Setsuna in some capacity for a while now, but I'm glad to hear the others came across well too, since they're a little newer to me in fic.
The way you wrote Setsuna during those years thinking about how he is getting older and finding it odd, was done just so well. I like the flash back parts as well.
Though I really liked the last section of the story. How Setsuna was thinking about how they all were changing.
I added it to my memories as well xD
I'm definitely reading your NeilxTieria, now~
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