Gundam 00 (multiple)

Mar 09, 2010 22:29

Title: Family
Pairing: Setsuna/Nena (ish)
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 391
Notes: Set between seasons.
Summary: Nena reminds herself why Setsuna F. Seiei is special.

She found him two years after the battles that the world thought had ended it all. The rest of the world might have thought him gone, but Nena knew that Setsuna wasn't conquered so easily. She'd seen him fight. She'd seen the way he tore at his enemies. Even if the rest of Celestial Being was destroyed (and she doubted that, too; even his weak branch of it clung to each other like--like something she would be telling him about), Setsuna would live on, and he would fight.

That was what drew her to him. She found him on an island, watching the sunset with that solemn face that hid raging depths. She wanted to touch that face until it was hers, but for now, she only approached him from behind.

"Setsuna," she said. "You'd better not have forgotten me."

"Nena Trinity," he said without turning to look back at her. "I have not forgotten you. You are one of the distortions of the world."

"Distortion, distortion," she said, sticking her tongue out at him. "Is that all you have to call me?"

"You are nothing else," he said, still not looking at her.

She sat on the sand beside him. While he watched the sunset, she watched him. "That's not true," she said. "I'm Johann and Michael's sister."

That gave him pause. His gaze lowered from the setting sun, and for a moment, he almost, almost looked at her.

"Were you ever someone's brother, Setsuna?" she asked.

"No," he said.

"You must have been someone's son," she said. "You're not like me. I was never anyone's daughter."

"Once I was," he said, his voice suddenly subdued. She hated that. She wanted the fire back in it. "Now I am Gundam."

There it was! The gleam in his voice that she loved. "Show me! Show me how you're Gundam."

"I will not fight you, Nena Trinity," he said.

"How boring," she said. "Then will you do something else for me?"

"What is that?"

She stood up, and she grabbed his shoulders. "Show me how you held your mother," she said. "Then show me how you'd never hold her."

"No," he said.

She tightened her grip. "You don't have a choice."

And then he did fight her, as the stars came out. It was just as good as she'd hoped for.

Title: Pizza
Characters: The Trinity siblings.
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 243
Notes: This is where the crack starts.
Summary: Johann, Michael, and Nena order pizza.

Their missions had begun. The world was changing under their firm grip. The crew of the Ptolemy could only hope and dream to accomplish what they were doing. The Trinity siblings reveled in it, or at least Michael and Nena did; Johann remained in the background, smiling faintly, satisfied with their happiness.

There was another bonus to be had. For the first time in their lives, they could choose what they would eat for dinner instead of having it delivered to them by people in white coats.

"Pizza," Nena decided. Then she and Michael spent two hours arguing over what toppings to get, before finally settling for pineapple on one pie and pepperoni on the other.

They had it delivered, and they bound and gagged the deliveryman. They'd take turns having fun with him later. Johann discreetly arranged for his disappearance to go unnoticed.

"I get a whole pie," Michael said. "You and Johann share the rest."

"No way!" Nena said. "That's not fair and you know it."

"You don't want to get fat, do you?" Michael taunted her. "Your stupid Setsuna will never look at you twice if you get fat."

She smashed his face down into the pizza. It was the first time she was able to do something like that--before, the scientists would have scolded her for wasting food. They both laughed, even though his laugh was half-smothered by tomato sauce.

"Eat your pizza," Johann said, and they did.

Title: Stress Relief
Characters: Tieria, the crew of the second Ptolemy
Rating: G
Wordcount: 397
Notes: It's cute crack this time.
Summary: Tieria looks for a way to help the others in Celestial Being feel better.

The weeks following the fall of the space elevator were difficult for everyone. Low spirits and tension prevailed on the Ptolemy. Tieria observed this rather than taking part in it. It was his responsibility to watch over the crew and be there for them when they could not be there for themselves. That was something Lockon had taught him, and he would not give it up.

They caught fleeting moments on Earth, rarely in one place for very long. But one day, they settled not far from the outskirts of a town for several days in order to undertake maintenance. Tieria understood that he had an opportunity. He could research what relieved stress in humans (humans such as himself, he corrected fiercely), and he could undertake to do something about it. And so he did, using all the information available at his disposal.

And so it was that he went into town with a serious look on his face and a determined air to his stride. They were, at first, wary of giving him what he asked for. But even though he did not realize it himself, there was such a gentle sincerity in his voice as he spoke of his companions' troubles--"a great deal of work-related stress," he said, sure that this was not a lie. The people responsible for granting his request were won over by his unintended charm.

When he returned to the Ptolemy, he was balancing a large basket in his arms. He had carried it all the way from the town, stopping frequently to struggle to keep its contents inside and intact. Solemnly, he presented them to the rest of the crew.

"This should help alleviate our unease," he explained.

"Miiiiyaaaa," one of the inhabitants of the basket explained, while another one offered, "Mew. Mew. Mew."

"Tieria, we can't keep kittens on the Ptolemy," Sumeragi said, but already her own face was softening, a smile tugging at her worn mouth.

"Of course not," he said. "It's unfortunate, but they'll be returned soon. However, I have assured the shelter that I will find them good homes."

"Maybe we could keep just one...?" Anew suggested. She was playing with a little orange tabby.

Tieria stared at the kitten. Reluctantly, he said, "I will study what resources we'll need."

"Mr. Erde, you have the best ideas!" Mileina said.

"Meeeeeee," agreed the little orange tabby.

gen, gundam 00, fluff, crack, shortfic, nena, tieria

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