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Comments 18

pengyn April 3 2011, 11:20:56 UTC
She was such an incredibly selfless character. She never once put herself first - even knowing she was going to die she was thinking only of James. Guh!! Juliet! I love her so much. Thank you for reminding me just how much. Such a great big bang!!


archemicstar April 3 2011, 18:41:09 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

Oh, Megyn - thank you :') I miss her so much... her last moments, I literally can't. I know you'll understand me when I say that our love for her is to the point where words don't do any good - it's just all these feelings. GAH.

As you could probably tell, I hadn't finished my commentary for all the scenes - I was kind of feeling a little drained from all the thinking xD But it's actually complete now :)


lormats April 3 2011, 15:07:06 UTC
BB the 2 parts are completely amaziiing, *jears* you captured so well the character and what she was *jears* again, my poor Jules...

8 hours or not, AWESOME WORK!!! way to go sweetie *squishes like woah and won't let go*


archemicstar April 3 2011, 18:44:25 UTC
Oh Juliet - it makes my heart soar and ache just thinking about her. How we miss her so...
And thank you so much, Lau ♥

Haha, you have to be my Big Bang police next time, okay? We have to make checkpoints or something! Seriously, I really enjoyed doing this (my first Big Bang!), but it was a tad exhausting. Procrastination, how I despise you, lol.

You could probably tell my commentary wasn't complete - I was slightly emotionally drained from thinking about her and whatnot. But it's finally finished! :)


lormats April 3 2011, 18:51:11 UTC
loool I'm gonna harass you like you can't imagine :P (speaking of which few challenges going on :P)

it takes a lot of effort, but you've rock it bb completely ;)(*sighs* juliet ♥)


archemicstar April 3 2011, 18:53:09 UTC
Haha, harass away! [you know the secret to my heart - cute gifs ;) ]
And yes, have to check out those challenges~ Hopefully the mods are aware of exam season and give us some trivial ones, haha.

And thanks again - I'm off to check out all the other Big Bangs!! :D


scandaloussteph April 3 2011, 19:54:14 UTC
This is absolutely wonderful. Your caps are gorgeous, the text is as if you were in my brain sometimes.

Totally gorgeous!


archemicstar April 3 2011, 21:58:20 UTC
Thank you so much, Steph ♥ ♥
(And your icon is gorgeous! )


digitalprints April 4 2011, 00:51:14 UTC
Thank you. For single-handedly bringing my passion for Lost back. I haven't seen an episode since the finale (I still can't make up my mind about how I feel about the ending) but you and your wonderful picspam & commentary made me want to watch it all over again.

Juliet & Sawyer have always been my favorite characters, separately and together. Sawyer for all his snarkiness and strength, and Juliet for every wonderful word you just used to describe her. So to my pleasant surprise, the fact that they got together was such an amazing moment for me. Her death and Sawyer's scenes after her death & how he dealt with it (so tragic and so heart wrenching, it brings tears to my eyes every. single. damn. time) are perhaps one of the most beautiful parts of Lost.

Wonderful job <3


archemicstar April 5 2011, 14:23:29 UTC
Oh gosh - this is the loveliest comment. Thank you so much - I am glad this picspam made you feel as such ♥

And re: The End - I feel the same way too sometimes. Being a latecomer to LOST, I had watched everything within the span of 3 months. And though the ending wasn't everything that I expected, I've come to terms with it and embraced it for the fact that it ended with the characters first and foremost. But for those who invested six years of their lives following this narrative, I can completely understand how it would leave many of them feeling lukewarm or even a little frustrated.

And Sawyer & Juliet - everything you said. ♥ ♥


burntheflaws April 4 2011, 01:06:49 UTC
Just looking at the picspams and reading what you had to say about each few scenes made my heart break. I liked Juliet, though I didn't really love her, but I did always appreciate her quiet strength and the kinder, more gentle side of herself that she tried to cover up because she had to when she was with the Others.


archemicstar April 5 2011, 14:25:20 UTC
Awww, thank you so much ♥
And yes - I always found it so interesting that in this world that the writers were trying to make so "black & white", with the Survivors vs. the Others, here was this one character that they put in the middle. I always liked that Michael Emerson thought Juliet was even more dangerous than Ben ~


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