В Городе Давида, к югу от Старого города Иерусалима, завершились раскопки мощной крепости возрастом 3800 лет - крупнейшего сооружения подобного рода в Израиле до построек Ирода. Это были одни из самых сложных раскопок в Израиле, длившиеся более 15 лет. Работами по расчистке огромной ханаанской крепости XVIII в. до н.э. руководили профессор Рони
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Currently, the Spring Citadel has been given a new look and recently been opened to host visitors. The public is invited to enjoy an interactive visit rich in visual effects that will take them back to the biblical period for a few minutes, while introducing them to a wondrous and impressive archaeological achievement erected by the early Canaanites approximately 3,800 years ago.
The visit to the Spring Citadel is part of the comprehensive tour of the biblical City of David. After the tour, visitors are invited to continue to enjoy an exciting walk illuminated by flashlights through the cool water of Hezekiah’s ancient water tunnel, or to choose the dry Canaanite canal that will lead them to the rest of the historic hike.
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