(FIC) Jaevel Av En Tango: (Ch. 4) Fear and Fire

Jul 08, 2008 13:06

...getting my title and papers is going to be more expensive than I thought it would be, like, WAY MORE EXPENSIVE THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE, and I am filled with rage!!!! I hate the freaking protocol. School, I thought the headaches induced by you were over! little did I know!!

So... fic!

Series: Jaevel Av En Tango (A Devil of a Tango)
Title: ( Read more... )

tim, joker, fic, harley quinn, bruce wayne, tommy wayne, jaevel

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Comments 12

genclay July 8 2008, 20:53:28 UTC
I like this :D

I have to say at times i'm a little lost but thats more my lack of comic knolage. I'll save my questions till your done and just enjoy the ride.


arch_schatten July 12 2008, 00:22:11 UTC
I'm glad you do!

I'm sorry it's confusing.. Earth 3 is kind of crazy. Pretty much all the good guys are bad guys and good can never win. Bruce and Clark and Diana have counterparts in this universe but they don't exist exactly as themselves, so I made a little bit of a gray area to fit them there... I will be happy to answer any questions if you want! It's been a lot of fun writing this, though I confuse myself a lot too X) I hope the ride reading it is as good as the ride writing it!


jij July 9 2008, 05:03:24 UTC
Cass and Tim are so perfect here, I love them to death. :) They're so solemn and yet so young...and Tim's run is beautiful.

I think you already know how much I love the scene in the alley! Bruce is so different and yet so the same...cigarettes and alcohol for Earth-3 Martha instead of roses seems so fitting. I love your Bruce and Tommy just being sardonic together...

"Hell, I’m not sure that dumbass even knows how to fold a newspaper.”

Tommy's contempt for Ultraman never fails to fill me with glee. :)



arch_schatten July 12 2008, 00:32:21 UTC
I don't know how much I succeed at the writing 'young people' instead of writing kids, lol, but one can only try! I tried to stream line Tim's section, but... when I'm not very familiar with the muses, it gets harder! though it was definitely fun to write :)

Martha in Earth 3 has a weird shape in my head. She's just.. sort of a jaded romantic, I think she taught Bruce a lot about how good it's possible, but it's always going to be muddled by all the crap humans carry around. So she's... she's a cigarette and whiskey and loud laughter woman in my head. And yet she chose one of her children over the other...

Tommy and Ultraman crack me up. I wonder if they have a thing on the side in this universe.. Tommy is pretty mum about it.

*hugs back* thank you so much for helping me out with the story, Jen! I'm psyching myself today, and I hope to go back to writing as soon as I catch up with the flist. Almost, almost!


starsandsea July 9 2008, 18:58:11 UTC
*bounces* New chapter, whoo! :D

Eeee, Timmy! Cass!!! And the dogs!!!! *flails* Awesome. :D

Meeep, the Joker is scary in every universe he exists in isn't he? *shivers a little*

Oh, I loved Bruce and Tommy in the alley! *pets them*

*hugs* I'm sorry school is being so evil! Nasty school, nasty! *more hugs*


arch_schatten July 12 2008, 00:41:32 UTC
Tim and Cass were a lot of fun to write, though I had to go back and clean up a lot of their section. I'm not used to writing them! but they are different, and that's always fun :)

Joker is... scary, yeah! I think it's not easy to write him as a balanced guy and keep him Joker, so he's always.. a bit off. Or a lot off. Lol, depends, I guess...

I'm glad you liked Bruce and Tommy! this whole universe is mostly an excuse for me to write Bruce and Tommy bicker, and yet I don't have that much a chance to do so... hrm... silly boyyyyss.

Thank you for your support with school! gah, stupid thing, drives me crazy... I'm glad you're liking this story, Star! thanks for reading!


eve_k July 10 2008, 14:13:18 UTC
Sorry for commenting so late, I´m such a slow reader. And this story is written so tightly, it´s work to read! In a good way! The personnel is familiar regarding the names, but with everything else you have to really pay attention to the details and not let yourself be led astray by what you think you know about the character (which is sadly not much to begin with since I´m not familiar with Earth-3 and it´s inhabitants. Would reading up on this help in any way?)
All the same, this is very exciting and I´m very curious to see how the characters, their relationships unravel, and most of all, what their true intentions are!
It´s great to be able to read new stories from you, Mina, and I hope those troubles with school are only the last twitches of the old monster! :)


arch_schatten July 12 2008, 00:45:24 UTC
No worries! I'm glad you're enjoying it! And I know what you mean, it's kind of.. convoluted and complicated to follow since no one is quite what they should be. It's Earth 3, I blame it! I wikied the Crime Syndicate and went along with the concept, along with what little there is out there about them. It would help, I think, thought so much of the cast I'm twisting or making up -Bruce, Kal and Diana all aren't part of Earth 3 as we know them, so I took the liberty of adding them to the cast :P

I think I'm too much a romantic for them to not have them end up somehow on the side of angels, but how much they might accomplish depends entirely on them and Earth 3's nature. I'm very glad you're enjoying this story, Eve! I hope school will stop being a pain from beyond soon, but I guess I will have to wait until the actual graduation to be rid of it, eh? *hugs* thanks for reading!


tininess July 11 2008, 13:28:47 UTC
I was lost during the first two chapters, but i've gotten used to this universe now. I'm v. v. intrigued. Harley/Joker/Nigma gang gets along with the Bats? *___* This is totally AU for me, as I have no idea what "Clark Starr" or why Bruce has a brother. This is an interesting fic.



arch_schatten July 12 2008, 00:48:13 UTC
The confusing bits are mostly Earth 3's fault! In Earth 3, Ultraman is Clark Kent but not a Kryptonian, which left a place for Kal to exist, and I made him up, thus Clark Star. And Owlman is Tommy Wayne, Bruce's brother, and Bruce is dead, but I really wanted to see Tommy and Bruce interact, so I had him not be dead... pretty much everything is reversed in this earth, the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys, thus the Harley/Joker/Nigman gang getting along with the 'bats'. Sort of. I know this is convoluted, but I hope it will continue to unravel and keep you interested! Thank you for reading!


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