(FIC) Jaevel Av En Tango: (Ch. 1) Familiar Faces

Jun 03, 2008 16:05

Hey flist! I have a ton of links to go through -you were all so productive, expect super late feedback from me soon-, but I return victorious!!! One more week of finals and I shall be done, but the hardest was finished this Monday and today we had the guest juries in. I will make a recount of this past crazy week soon, but first!!!

Happy Birthday ( Read more... )

barbara gordon, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, jaevel, pre-slash

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Comments 16

jij June 4 2008, 00:27:40 UTC
*flails and swoons* Bruce with an eyepatch and diamond earring for the win!!

Ooooh, I'm so happy to know the second chapter will be up soon...because I'm totally lost but so intrigued! I love how Vak is confused as well, but how he relishes the challenge of figuring things out. And Barbara! Barbara is so awesome with her bright red fingernails!

Kal didn’t say anything about how inconvenient it had been for him to be electrocuted and kidnapped.

*snicker* "Sorry to inconvenience you by making you electrocute me, I know you're a busy man and probably had other people to kidnap today..." I really like your Kal's wry tone and caution. He's no fool! I'm curious to know if he realizes he's meta too--he references super-senses casually but he might just take such things for granted, or not know the full extent of his abilities...*thinks thinky thoughts*

I am deeply intrigued by the Crows. Tim sounds wonderful. Do I see hints of where Dick will be in the next chapter? Eh? I'm dying to see all of the Batclan in this one, ( ... )


arch_schatten June 4 2008, 02:19:16 UTC
Kitteeeeen! Happy birthday!!! *glomps* You're the awesomest! best kitten dinosaur this ferret t-rex could have befriended in the history of time ( ... )


stinglikeabee June 4 2008, 16:17:40 UTC
Barbara is right, Val is playing with his prey. It's going to be a dangerous ride :D

“No man can resist Timothy’s charms. By any right, Mr. Starr should have fried when Tim electrocuted him"

LOL. Great line. BTW, Val calls Clark 'Kal Starr'. Does Kal go by Clark Starr as a reporter?


arch_schatten June 4 2008, 16:46:58 UTC
Oh, Vak is going to have a lot of fun with his prey... but Clark can bite back, so he better be careful! X)

Tim is a dangerous 15 year old hitman. You don't mess with him! He'll cut you!

Kal's secret identity is Clark Starr because in this AU he was raised by Karen Starr (Powergirl), who is his cousin from Krypton who arrived first on Earth. So PG is older than Kal here... and he wasn't raised by the Kents, this because Clark Kent is Ultraman in this world... Clark's backstory will be up in the next chapter! hopefully that will clear things up a bit... thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


stinglikeabee June 4 2008, 17:21:57 UTC
Ack! Spelled Vak wrong, twice. Ultraman, of course! Crime Syndicate, duh, I forgot that was Earth-3. I love PG and can't wait to see how she is here :D

Oh and I was also referring to why Vak calls Clark 'Kal'. Isn't Kal the secret identity? Wouldn't Vak call him Clark instead? Unless it's a plot point and it's gone over my head; if so, sorry!


arch_schatten June 4 2008, 17:57:08 UTC
..Vak calls Clark Kal...?? ...eeee!! my mistake, lol! You're right, he's supposed to call Kal Clark, and I totally messed it up :P As if it wasn't confusing enough! tehee! Thank you so much for pointing it out! :P *runs to change it*


starsandsea June 4 2008, 19:34:42 UTC

Oh this is going to be awesome, I can tell. :p

Eeee, Kal and Vak! Hee! And Babs! Babs is so awesome. And Timmy! And the great danes!!! *squees* Also, Bruce with a eyepatch and a diamond in his ear! *swoons*

I love this, can you tell? :p *glomps* Thank you so much, Mina! And only one more week!!! Yay!!!! :D *glomps again*


arch_schatten June 6 2008, 05:18:51 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Star! I'm having so much fun writing this and figuring out what they are doing...

The great danes are probably my favorite part of this story, lol. They are so cute!!! so cute and big! Vak is pretty hot in a weird way, and Kal is not sure he should like him or what. But little does he knows, bwahaha!

Tim is deadly. Don't mess with the Timster.

*glomps back* One more week! yay!!


eve_k June 6 2008, 09:54:16 UTC
Yay! Mina´s back! I´ve been missing you and your wonderful stories!
And this is very mysterious, I´m very intrigued by the roles you let your characters play. Bruce reminds me more of an eastern european than an italian mafioso here. Eyepatch and earring! wheh! I wonder if the patch is just a mask?
I´m on to the next part!


arch_schatten June 7 2008, 00:54:49 UTC
Yay! *glomps Eve* I am mostly back! Only two more finals to go next week, and then it's over! wooo!

I'm glad you're intrigued by them! they are mostly having fun being morally ambiguous, I wanted to play with a darker setting and put the boys at odds and see how the managed with that.. so far, I think my inner romantic is going to win, lol. I'm glad Bruce seems more like an eastern european! I wanted him to look like.. sort of an ice prince, lol. The eyepatch is hard to remember, I constantly forget he has it, and though it does serve as a mask, he did lose an eye. I am dying to tell that flashback!

Thank you for reading! *hugs*


harmless_one June 21 2008, 02:27:56 UTC
This feels so noir! I am a fan of things that sound like they should be filmed in black and white! It was a dark and story night :) Get it? "Story"...? Okay, I'm lame

I am intrigued by this little cat and mouse going on. Also, I LOVE crime dramas. Your characters are intriguing and I look forward to reading the next chapters. I see you have more. Oh, yes. They shall be read!


arch_schatten June 21 2008, 05:17:15 UTC
Yay! thank you! It feels noir in my head too! they are.. hrm, they are weird, because Earth 3 is such a weird place. It's not that everything is bad, it's that.. nothing good prospers. So they have to find other ways.

And LOL, you're not lame. It made me cackle X)

I hope I can spin a good story! it's hard to get lost in AUs, but I know where I want them to go, so I hope.. I hope it makes sense. I hope you like them! I am enjoying writing them a lot, it's really different from what I usually write. Thank you for reading!


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