Dreams of houses and Jon Stewart

Apr 02, 2008 21:41

I'm just thinking about nothing -and writing bondage S/B... seriously, I'm never finishing that homework, am I?- and I think if I ever had a house with a basement, the basement would be my favorite room of the house. Just... mmm. It seems so protected and cozy in my mind's eye, a place not everyone could see or enter, but my place, my secret cave. ( Read more... )

fannish, science, flesh-life, tds, ferret's agenda

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Comments 17

jij April 3 2008, 06:00:54 UTC
"Ferret's agenda" is a great tag!

Attic=Fortress of Solitude. Basement=Batcave. DaMo and I housesat for a couple that was traveling the world for a year and basically lived in their basement, and it was way cool. It totally felt like our secret lair.

I have to admit, having your own place that you can decorate as you like (The "In Japan" style? Post-graduate-school negligent), that's yours, is very awesome.

Also, Jon is Very Awesome. He was so appalled that scientist-guy didn't know about the dangers of Man-Bats! So earnest and sincere...*dreamy sigh* I want to watch B:TAS with him!


arch_schatten April 5 2008, 03:02:48 UTC
Ferret's agenda is something to fear. I believe ferretdom might be looking to invade Japan. Careful, Japan! Ferrets are out to get you!

Living in a basement! mmmm... I guess it's very geeky-cliche, but I just can't help it, it would rock! I love the In Japan style of interior decor! I envision my place real pretty, but I'm sure in reality it would be quite a mess of papers and books and cables. How come there's always so many cables? damn electronics!

Owning my own place would be great... but even just renting it would be good. I don't mind rent! It's a bit hard on my settlers brain, but it also means there's always the possibility of moving someplace better, or out of the country, or whatever, and how could I pass on that?

I want to watch BTAS with Jon! (I typed J'onn, lol, oh man). I have to admit I've been waiting for two weeks for today's episode. George Clooney! eee! X) I might sit down to watch Ocean's 11 again for Clooney's sake. So delicious.


jij April 5 2008, 06:36:25 UTC
Ferretzilla! Ferretzilla will stomp Japan! (I can has Ferret plz?)

How come there's always so many cables? damn electronics!

I don't knoooowwwww! Why can't we have wireless electrical cables, eh? I hate how cables just seem to multiplay...what are they doing under my table, mating? Knock it off, cables!


vigilante_wake April 9 2008, 22:02:15 UTC
...what are they doing under my table, mating?

Eww! Cable sex! You should get them spayed. Or I guess you could try the old throwing a bucket of water of them trick...wait.


starsandsea April 3 2008, 18:11:35 UTC

LOL, I agree with Jen! Attic=FOS, Basement=BatCave. Awesomeness! :p

Wooden Floors! Oh, I would love to have wooden floors. And not have people interrupting you... *dreamy sigh*

Eeee, Jon Stewart is awesome! Everyone one should know about Man-Bat. Especially scientists!


arch_schatten April 5 2008, 02:36:48 UTC
Scientists should know aaaaall about Man-Bat, so they won't make the same mistakes again. True fact!

The attic as FOS and the basement as Cave is awesome, lol. I would feel a bit more exposed in the FOS, I think, due the... light, lol. I want a basement! where am I going to have my secret laboratory if not? right? Right.

Wooden floors are so pretty! I love the feeling of walking around barefoot over them. *sigh* And people not interrupting! Oh, man. I was talking with a friend, Ana, about her boyfriend wanting to move out but not wanting to live alone. And I was all '...then what's the purpose of moving out???'. I obviously idealize time alone a lot, I guess :P

Still, gimme broadband and a place to sleep and I'll have an awesome time, no matter where!


taro_twist April 3 2008, 23:43:28 UTC
I love your vision for your future house; I want to visit it already :D We need to build a time travel machine and go there! (though I might have to make frequent trips to your attic, lol. *wants her sunlight* ^-^)

But ... pretty dish sets! Ferret-made furniture! Wooden floors with rugs! No stress! Tyler! Whee! Just reading this makes me feel peaceful. :)

And the singing at the top of your lungs! I do that whenever I'm alone; my neighbors are going to kill me one of these days. Aside from that, though, haha, I haven't done much with my current apartment. The pre-furnished sublet thing + having a roommate + knowing I'm probably not settling down here + crazy schedule = no interior decoration inspiration. But maybe I should try putting a little more of myself into my living space. It couldn't hurt. =P

Also ... Jon Stewart trying to explain Manbat (and taking it so seriously!) just made my day. *loves* (And I hope your brother gets over his homesickness soon. :) That's no fun at all!)


arch_schatten April 5 2008, 02:19:45 UTC
LOL! Oh, attics kind of make me think of fairytales, you know? Like, the portals to magical places and holders of secret things... and caves, caves basements are more... something else, lol. Snugly?

I go to my magical apartment in my head all the time when I'm feeling down :P Once I get it, though, it shall be open to all LJ visits! not that my house isn't, btw -I think I haven't answered to that comment, lol- if you do get some free time, you're welcome to ferret-land :)

I think working a little in your living space makes you feel more comfortable at it. Even if it's now yours, it's yours for that moment, and I like making things lived-in... I hope you find some awesome things for your apartment! It's always fun for me to pick things for interiors :P

Manbat! Jon Stewart! he's a secret Batman fan, I love him!!! <3


quiet__tiger April 3 2008, 23:51:19 UTC
I would love to have my own place. To decorate and enjoy all on my own (or with someone super cool). But like a lot of people, I can't afford it. :(

But one day...


arch_schatten April 5 2008, 02:15:51 UTC
I know what you mean, I was doing numbers today about how much I would need to make to have a place of my own.. and I'm nowhere near that money making range. But eventually, it shall happen, right? I want to have my own place before 2 years from graduation... it might not happen, but I hope I can manage it :) I know you'll find a way too. If not, there's always our porn business in Vegas :)


quiet__tiger April 5 2008, 02:43:37 UTC
I thought it was just burlesque, but porn is even better!

Huzzah for porn!


arch_schatten April 5 2008, 02:54:51 UTC
As long as it involved scantly clad hot guys, I'm all for it! It's just sound business :)


stalinglim April 4 2008, 02:49:31 UTC
Y'know what? I love dish sets, too. I used to read this series when I was a little girl, called the Boxcar children (ahhh... fanfic from those...) and they got new dishes practically every story! It was lovely. And I hated it, because I really wanted those dishes! :D

I can't wait to get my own apartment/loft thing that I can decorate and stuff. :D

(raises mug of tea) to the future.


arch_schatten April 5 2008, 02:14:03 UTC
LOL! I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessed with dish sets. I just go to stores and stare at them, wondering about what kind of house I would have if I had those dishes -you know, they kind of set the tone for the whole place for me. All suave and elegant or playful and chic, or just.. fun and relaxed... *sighs*

*raises mug of tea* to a bright future :) I hope you get the apartment/loft of your dreams... maybe soon! that would be just brilliant :)


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