(FIC) Somewhere to hang the secret identity, Day 4

Sep 28, 2007 00:53

Last night I dyed my hair and fell asleep! But tonight I tried to catch up and kind of did, so here goes... they are starting to get personal...

Sleepy, and not beta'ed! point, I correct!

Fandom: DCU
Series: Somewhere to hang the secret identity
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bruce and Clark start e-mailing, e-flirting, ( Read more... )

secret identity, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, pre-slash

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Comments 36

jij September 28 2007, 13:01:40 UTC
I loooove youuuu!

And I love these! Um, what exactly do I love? It might a take a while to list. I shall try.

--The desperate concern threading through both sides of the exchange about the escapees. I love the strange tilted POV the emails give us, so the "action" is clearly there and haunting both of them, always ready to erupt into their flirting. And that he prioritizes Zsasz as an immediate threat seems very Bruce.

--Have you ever seen sunrise at the Fortress? It’s gorgeous.

Oh Clark. Just...oh Clark. More on this later.

--Also, infertile or not, I got fixed years ago.Also, infertile or not, I got fixed years ago.I...have no idea why this extremely obvious idea never occurred to me, but now that you mention it it seems perfectly in-character for Bruce, for so many reasons. I might hazard a guess he had it done either very early, when he first realized how he was going to fulfill his oath, or perhaps very shortly after he realized that the al-Ghul family was so intently interested in his DNA. I know they'd never write ( ... )


arch_schatten September 29 2007, 03:32:46 UTC
*giggles* I love you too! I'm so glad you like this story! I feel like I cheat you out of fic because you give me so much slashy goodness and I don't finish anything! meww ( ... )


jij September 29 2007, 11:12:04 UTC
I still don't know what kind of effect Pink K would actually have. So, we all suppose it turns kryptonians gay, but what if Clark was already interested? would it work sort of like sex pollen? Would it? I need to know, DC! ...it would so rock if it did.*blinks* It is really, really funny you would mention that, as I've had a three-hour conversation/argument with DaMo about this today! I'm trying to write a pink-K story, and it just...whenever you start thinking about the underlying sexuality issues one's head starts to hurt ( ... )


arch_schatten September 29 2007, 22:06:40 UTC
I've been thinking far too much about Pink K for it to be crack fic, lol. I figured too, that it only moved you forward in the Kinsey Scale. Which takes a bit of the fun out for me because Clark is already interested here! ...he doesn't really notices it, so maybe it could be the Moment of Clarity? I want to write Pink K! bah! And since it is a timed effect, it will eventually wear off... which could very well lead to angsting. Though, no angst here. Crack is angst free today!

Bizarro speak gives *everyone* a head-ache. *pats Jen* You can do it! go Crack team!


damos September 28 2007, 15:08:00 UTC
I want to know the punchline of the joke that starts with "So Bruce, Hal and Diana are on a plane bound for Gotham..."

Yet another wonderful day full of email. And I love the slow progression of the rogue plot in the background of these emails. It keeps me thinking and guessing...

Pink K.

Nothing to say there. Just noting it so that when Sasha wanders through she will see the words "Pink K."


arch_schatten September 29 2007, 00:31:58 UTC
I.. was going to tell you, but then, what would I write! Poor Clark, his eyes have never been the same again. They burn! buuurn!

The rogues are out there. I want Harvey to be the last one to be caught, but Victor wouldn't do something brash. He would plan. Probably more than Harv would. Sooo, I don't knoooow. Truthfully, the state of the rogue hunting has more to do with how sleepy I am while I write :P If I'm very sleepy, no advance is made!

Pink K rocks. I wonder what exactly are it's effects? I mean, we all say it makes kryptonian's gay, but.. I mean. Do they suddenly find the other sex attractive? what if they already did? so many questions!


vespa331 September 28 2007, 15:11:24 UTC
Ha, I can't picture Bruce letting himself get drunk, but I suppose if it ever happened it'd be with the league there to watch out. Him groping Hal is hilarious. Reminds me of my friend Jason and his drunken gay alter ego Jasper.

Aaaaand there's the sterile theory. :D No Batbabies for Mina! My god, these are like watching our convos in fic form. Have Clark find an Akita, do iiiiit!

I can give you Morning Glories. I’m glorious all day long. I am perhaps over caffeinated. Moving on.

Hm, therapy and a normal billionaire playboy life, or ditching therapy to travel the world and become Batman. Therapy loses! Take that shrinks!


arch_schatten September 29 2007, 03:43:52 UTC
I'm sure Bruce didn't intend to get drunk that time, but something must have happened. At least Clark and Diana were with them! I'm sure Ollie was around somewhere too, but he had been dropped off first or something, otherwise the groping and drunken making out would have involved a threesome :)

Bruce is sterile, I'm telling you! it doesn't make any sense that he would walk about the world, doing half the socialites, and being open for paternity lawsuits! No sir-eee! I do all my thinking in mails with Jen and talking with you and the In_Japans, so yeah, my crazy theories find their way to fic!

I don't think therapy would have done Bruce much good. I don't think he was entirely... normal? if such a word can really be applied, even before the night his parents died. He wouldn't have been an empty playboy either way, he's just more gloomy this way. So, between therapy he didn't want or traveling the world.. yeah! Bruce's choice might not be the best, but damn but it seems awesome.


bradygirl_12 September 28 2007, 18:12:56 UTC
This is so much fun! :)

Poor Bruce. He considers himself a real mess, doesn't he?

I can see him gettng 'fixed'. He beats himself up for his parenting skills and considers himself mentally ill! *hugs Bruce*

Clark knows what Pink K does, right? ;)


arch_schatten September 29 2007, 03:56:01 UTC
Auugh, Brady! I meant to dedicate this one to your birthday and I was so sleepy last night I forgot!! :( Next one will be belatedly for you! I hope you had a good one :)

Bruce really doesn't have much faith in his mental stability when I'm writing him. ...which probably means he doesn't have much faith in me, lol. But he's not as bad as he thinks!

Getting fixed seems logical to me. He doesn't intend to have kids in my head. I mean, he shies away from relationships out of fear of putting his loved ones in danger, why in hell would he need to be fertile? it could end up in trouble, too, since Ra's is so.. taken with his genes, or just random socialite scandals and paternity lawsuits. So. My Bruce, he got fixed!

LOL, Clark knows, I think. But since there was a K shower in the S/B books, all colors and stuff, I think he would worry that bits of his planet could harm humans. Even if it's just the gay radiation :P


bradygirl_12 September 29 2007, 05:12:08 UTC
Auugh, Brady! I meant to dedicate this one to your birthday and I was so sleepy last night I forgot!! :( Next one will be belatedly for you! I hope you had a good one :)

I did, Mina! :) And I'm happy to have a fic dedicated to me any day! :)

Gay love! Can't get enough! ;)


starsandsea September 28 2007, 18:43:52 UTC
*Glee* More fic! More fic! :D

I would have pegged you for a Sunflower kind of guy. Obnoxiously fixated with the Ball of Fire in the Sky and all.

Heee! *pets Bruce*

I do like Sunflowers, actually, but if you are going to take me to dinner and a movie, I want Morning Glories.


Have you ever seen sunrise at the Fortress? It’s gorgeous. Maybe I can take you to see it before days get too short there.


I will get baby pictures of you from Alfred when you’re not looking and make them the Watchtower monitor’s background. You can’t stop me.

*squeals* Oh god, Clark, Bruce would kill you!!! And I so want to see pics of baby!Bruce.

Mental illness are hereditary, so better keep my genes out of the gen pool. OCD, multiple personality, paranoia and depression, what a charming child that would make!

Awww! *huggles Bruce*

I’m not giving you more clues, other than it involved you passing out in a plane and getting, shall we say, friendly with Hal.


You don’t want to start a baby-picture publishing war, Clark. I ( ... )


arch_schatten September 29 2007, 04:14:47 UTC
Weee! I'm so glad you're still enjoying this, Star! I get sleepy and write all sorts of crack, I'm not sure it even makes sense when I post it :P

I want pictures of baby Bruce too! Kiddie!Bruce is scary intense and adorable, but.. baby Bruce must have been adorable. Whyyyy doesn't Tim Sale give me pictures of Baby Bruce to go along the pictures of baby Clark!! I don't know why Bruce has baby pictures of Clark, really.. I guess he.. uhm. He asked Ma Kent for them really nicely? Barbara got them? Tim got them from Kon? ...I don't know, lol. Bruce is sneaky!

Thank you so much for your awesome feedback, Star! it makes me really giddy to get the LJ notifications from you X)


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