(FIC) Somewhere to hang the secret identity, Day 3

Sep 26, 2007 00:34

Weee! I am falling asleep here! So. Any typos, point, and I correct. Also, consider requesting prompts for the World's Finest Gift Exchange! I want to write crack. You know you want to make cracky prompts I can write. Besides, last year I OD'ed on S/B in December, and it was awesome. Prompt! prompt away!

Fandom: DCU
Series: Somewhere to hang the ( Read more... )

secret identity, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, pre-slash

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Comments 37

jij September 26 2007, 11:27:14 UTC
Bruce as Cafffeine Lad is too adorable. Meta-conversations in DC fill me with giddy glee, and this is such a great example of it.

I also really liked the argument they had about Harvey here. It's really...realistic? I mean in the sense that it's two people being kind of snippy with each other and not wanting to be and trying to talk their way out of it and mostly succeeding. No titantic struggles, no threats of Kryptonite rings or heat vision, no smackdown, just two real people trying their best to get along while stressed and tired and worried about each other.

Clark's subject headings continue to fill me with warm fuzzies and a desire to hug him. And yay for wheedling Bruce into movie night! (I almost typed that as "movie knight," which would have been nice as well...)

*loves cranky fretty Bruce and well-meaning Clark so much*


arch_schatten September 26 2007, 23:49:13 UTC
There surely are fast food chains that have Superhero themes in the DCU! and coffee houses! maybe Caffeine Man is not so out there. I like the Caffeine Doctor, promoting the fake health benefits of coffee :)

I didn't meant for them to argue about Harvey, but Clark was really trying to reach out and Bruce started to get really grumpy. I don't think he likes the idea of anyone dealing with Harv, that's why he doesn't like to get help.

They have plans for dinner and a movie! I'm sure I can manage something else for them before they get a change to even start doing something remotely social :)

*loves the kitten* I am so sleepy! soooo sleepy! I'm doing nothing at work, if you feel like chatting..


jij September 27 2007, 10:18:36 UTC
Caffeine Doctor sez: Drink more coffee! It's good for your heart! :)

I didn't meant for them to argue about Harvey, but Clark was really trying to reach out and Bruce started to get really grumpy.

That seemed really realistic to me! That sort of, "I know you're trying to help, thank you, please go away now." And Clark's...well, as you mention I'm not sure his motives are entirely pure. I'm sure the Bruce/Harvey vibe makes him as itchy as it makes me! ;)

*snuuuugs* The problem with writing a lot is then you have a lot of feedback to answer and that cuts into your writing time...you should give me your password so I can pretend to be you and answer your comments! "Why thank you, I really am awesome!"

*stalks away*


arch_schatten September 28 2007, 02:30:00 UTC
Caffeine Doctor sez: Coffee reduces your risks of skin diseases!

I attended to the removal of a moll today, and watched the whole business. It was.. gross! Marcela got it removed and she's terrified of procedures, so I went in with her and told her everything that the doc was doing. I think it might help with fic, one day, since the doc (my aunt) was telling us how to stitch and why the cut had to be that long and stuff. ...craziness!

And lol, that's exactly the kind of feeling I was trying to convey with Bruce's bitchiness. He's not keen on anyone telling him how to handle Harvey. And.. Clark might not be entirely pure in his intentions, yes. But he doesn't know that yet!

I'm catching up with the flist and with comments and trying to do a beta for Star! I want to write tonight, so I hope I'll have time! meep!

...I never say 'I really am awesome', lol. People would be onto you pretending to be ferret! *huuugs*


yamheads September 26 2007, 14:43:15 UTC
OMG I totally had Bruce's problem. I was humming Don't Cry for me Argentina for days. Dude, I thought that was just me being nuts.

Haha, there's so many beautiful little snippets. The MD shifts, the baby photos, being snarky about Two face ... <333 So much awesome!

Also, I am so curious! What was your inspiration behind gotham_bcubed@gmail.com? Is it something totally obvious that I'm missing. Oh man, it is, isn't it. D: LOL this is going to keep me up tonight.


jij September 26 2007, 15:39:23 UTC
What was your inspiration behind gotham_bcubed@gmail.com?

She has not yet answered this clearly to my satisfaction either, but I believe the answer is: Bruce, Brucie, and Batman. Three B's, so bcubed.

Bruce has such an odd sense of humor.


arch_schatten September 27 2007, 02:52:03 UTC
I am sorry! though it does fit -probably better than I had in mind- the three Bs probably stand for Big Bad Bat.

I think that still qualifies for odd sense of humor...


jij September 27 2007, 10:20:16 UTC
*snickers* I think that's even better, myself.

I bet he has an account somewhere that's a play on "Goddamn Batman" too....


rocaw September 26 2007, 15:22:21 UTC
Wonderfully done. Very sweet and funny. Many lovely bits, but my favorite: Besides, I think I score at least as Caffeine Lad. Caffeine Captain. Doctor Caffeine. Yes. Doctor Caffeine, if you please.



arch_schatten September 27 2007, 21:14:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm really happy to know you liked it :) Doctor Caffeine likes to enumerate all the -fake- health benefits of coffee. He makes amazing world saving schemes based on the commerce and consumption of coffee and tea, and all his gadgets are caffeine-based. I think he's quite a hit!


jij September 28 2007, 07:13:40 UTC
Caffeine-based gadgets of world domination! Awesome! He puts so much caffeine into water supplies that people can't sleep and get too goofy to stop his crime sprees? Does he have a gun that spits little coffee beans at people and knocks them out?? Inquiring minds want to know!


bradygirl_12 September 26 2007, 16:35:48 UTC
I figured that for bcubed, too. :)

I can understand Bruce's touchiness about Harvey. I'd guess it's the same kind of touchiness Clark might have if we're talking a Smallville-type relationship with Lex in his past. Clark and Bruce are devoted to each other, but those people from your early years always have a hold on you.

Bruce might come up with a snarky subject line in the future!

This was great, as usual, Mina. You've got a winner here for a series! :)


arch_schatten September 27 2007, 22:35:24 UTC
It's either Bruce/Batman/Brucie (that's some threesome X) or Big Bad Bat. Either way, silly Bruce :)

For my Bruce, Harvey is one of the really important people in his life. Harv is his first real failure as Batman, a lost friend, someone who might represent salvation. If he can save Harvey... it would mean a lot of things. Harv really does have a very strong hold on my Bruce :)

Bruce isn't a subject kind of guy, but he'll get wordier :) and he's a tease, so he'll get to drop innuendos lately :)

I'm glad you're enjoying them, Brady! I'm really enjoying writing them :)


starsandsea September 26 2007, 18:53:47 UTC
*my obligatory fangirl squeeing over this fic*

Can’t be Caffeine Kid, btw. That’s CK, which is you. Enough personae juggling to try to be you. Besides, I think I score at least as Caffeine Lad. Caffeine Captain. Doctor Caffeine. Yes. Doctor Caffeine, if you please.

Heeee! :D

I’ve had Air Supply on continuous loop in my head all morning; I’m starting to suspect you are right about mind control Thursday. I can’t stop singing that song, it’s driving me crazy!

Damn you Clark, now it's stuck in my head!!!!

Just nothing I might try to eat, for the sake of public health.


Once I had Don’t Cry for me Argentina stuck for 3 days before I finally gave in. So annoying, I don’t even remember watching Evita.

The image of Bruce signing 'Don't Cry for me Argentina'... Oh god...

I want to think there is no feed of me singing anything ever, but knowing Babs, I wouldn’t bet my life on it.


Babs has incriminating material on you? Inquiring minds want to know and watch. Is it weird incriminating material, sexy incriminating ( ... )


arch_schatten September 28 2007, 02:04:38 UTC
Doctor Caffeine says Caffeine is good for you! :)

And LOL, Clark got Air Supply in your head too? I've been singing that song for two days now! auuugh, so annoying. Bruce singing Don't Cry for me Argentina fills me with joy. The song kind of fits him, even! He could be singing to Gotham instead of Gotham :P

Clark would share it with you. I think my Clark would want to share that with everyone :P

Bruce will try hard to remember when he got drunk with Clark and what did he do, but I think clark will torture him for a bit :) More tonight!


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