FIC: Killing Loneliness

Dec 24, 2006 06:05

I did it. On a spur of madness. I'm sorry for spamming your flist today, I'm gonna be quiet now :P

Fandom: DCU/Smallville
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Clark/Harvey, mentions of Clark/Bruce and Harvey/Bruce
Word Count: 2187
AN: Set a year after tmelange’s Between the Shadow and the Soul, an AU from her AU in which Clark did naughty, naughty things to Bruce ( Read more... )

harvey dent, smut-a-thon, fic, clark kent, slash, bruce wayne, gift

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Comments 10

tmelange December 24 2006, 06:26:10 UTC
LOL, MIna, I thought this was supposed to be pointless smut and you gave us...wonderful resonate story! You crack me up.

This was fabulous. I really loved that Clark seemed so young and regretful and Harvey so old and world weary, even though Harvey is not so old, I guess. I got the distinct impression here that Harvey is one of those people who feels too deeply--which is one of the characteristics that I see in him.

Anyway, kudos on this real live story masquerading as pseudo smut. :)


arch_schatten December 24 2006, 07:16:46 UTC was pointless smut! I just couldn't write it without getting them somewhere where they would have it! Lol, I love your Harvey in Pas de Deux, I kind of twisted him a lot little, I hope you don't mind :)

I don't really know what's up with Clark in Smallville after the red kryptonite deal, so I just.. extrapolated a lot of guilt! And Clark is several years younger than Harv, and at that age, just a few years is a lot. Though Harv is rather world weary, hmm. I think I twisted him a bit too much! but he does care very deeply, and he cared a lot about Bruce. And, I'm guessing he had lots and lots of rebound sex with him before he left. Because what's the world without Harvey/Bruce? :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it, heh. I failed at making it a ficlet!


jij December 25 2006, 04:55:58 UTC
Mina....*giggles* Only you could set out to write pointless smut and have it turn into a fascinating character exploration!

‘Well, hello Bruce. I was driven to excess and lust filled nights by a rock from my home planet, I’m sorry if I ruffled you up’

LMAO, I can totally see Clark running through different options and coming to this one and just groaning and burying his head in his hands.

He’s running away from himself. Or from you, I don’t know.”

I love your Harvey, he's angry but he's very self-aware and an oddly good judge of character! Because he's certainly right about Clark from then.

“You should leave now. You’re not the only dangerous man in this room,”

Woo, Harvey. Mmm, he's delicious.

I can't comment on the smut for my family is here all aroouuuund me, so I had to just skim it and I can't linger on it in comments, but it was great!

“Bruce was right,” Harvey said, almost as an afterthought, reaching for his glass and the bottle of scotch again. What a wonderful line, the highest oblique praise Harv could give him ( ... )


arch_schatten December 25 2006, 08:36:03 UTC
But.. but.. this IS pointless smut! In the sense that the story itself won't go anywhere, no? right? *looks confused* I can't just randomly write sex! I am terrible at random sex! Lol, I think I messed up the challenge :P

It's weird, I guess, I like writing smut, but I like writing it with a theme, so to speak. Or if it's a crack pairing (like this one!), I need to find them a place where sex can happen... you don't want to know what's going on in my head for your threesome, lol.

LMAO, I can totally see Clark running through different options and coming to this one and just groaning and burying his head in his hands.

Lol, I could just see him too, being terribly furstrated and having no idea about what he would tell Bruce. I mean, what could he say?

I love your Harvey, he's angry but he's very self-aware and an oddly good judge of character! Because he's certainly right about Clark from then.Poor Harv! He always gets the short stick, the dear boy. I'm glad you liked him, though, he sounds.. weary and old, as T pointed out, but ( ... )


jij December 25 2006, 13:53:59 UTC
I am terrible at random sex! Lol, I think I messed up the challenge :P

Indeed, you have failed. You have merely produced a good story. :)

PWP is a weird idea for me, because yeah, especially with a difficult pairing like this one, you have to get them to the point they can have sex! Which has got to take at least a little while. Year One J'onn/Arthur would be a lot easier...but I'd have to re-read my JLA Year One back in Japan first. I remember thinking the two of them had a definite chemistry. Hmmmm. *mental note*


(The comment has been removed)

arch_schatten December 29 2006, 20:20:43 UTC
LOL, I know, it was supposed to be quick porn, but they just.. didn't know each other at all!

In any case, that's the fun of challenges, they take you places you don't expect :) Pornless places, it seems, but fun to write! I'm glad you enjoyed my little plot exposition porn piece ;)


damos December 31 2006, 19:28:32 UTC
Wow Mina, I don't know quite how I missed this--I guess with all the moving about... but that is no excuse. You're on fire with this one. Harvey is such a coiled ball of fury and Clark is so... persistent... in trying to set something, anything right.

I don’t like you because of that either,” Harvey said with a wicked half smile.
Harvey is the only person who does things whole heartedly and still does them by halves.

“You might want to leave now, Kent, before it gets dark.” He poured himself a glass with the remaining liquid in the bottle, and looked up, finally meeting Clark’s eyes again. “It’s dangerous out there.” He smiled wryly, lifting the drink to his lips. “But I guess you already knew that.”
That is just wonderful... what a combination of rage and fury and forbodeing and ... "but I guess you already knew that."


arch_schatten December 31 2006, 21:46:38 UTC
With all your crazy moving around, I'm surprised you didn't misplace all your socks or Jen or something :P I love how you put it, yeah! Clark wants to set.. something.. right. Whatever it might be.

Also, I think Harvey is being very graceful about his anger, but that's Harv to you! delicious!

Harvey is the only person who does things whole heartedly and still does them by halves.

LMAO, oh, yes. Yes indeed. He's a walking dychotomy.

I really liked the final line. It's Harvey being scary. It pleases me to think that Bruce maye never got to see the bad side of Harvey, only Two Face. They really loved each ohter in a friendly way, at the very least. And the worst of yourelf you reserve for your enemies, and Bruce/Batman is not Harvey's enemy. I <3 Harv! My Harv and your Eddie would have a lot of crazy shenanigans, I'm sure.


taro_twist January 25 2007, 04:48:53 UTC
Oh, this was wonderful, Mina! Finally got a chance to read this, and I wasn't sure what to expect of Clark/Harvey, but you delivered, and you delivered well. :) In answer to the Diego icon, no, this is not crack at all. ^_____^

I loved your characterizations of Clark and Harvey. You did a good job of returning Clark to innocence, so to speak, while still making him regretful over what he did while under the influence of Red K, while making Harvey much more weary and suspicious, presumably because of what he saw happen to Bruce.

And as good as it had been -Clark blushed, it had been really good- there had been no love there, no real affection.


‘Well, hello Bruce. I was driven to excess and lust filled nights by a rock from my home planet, I’m sorry if I ruffled you up’ was out of the question.

LMAO. Loved that line, although yes, definitely out of the question. ;p

And no, I don’t know where he is. Sicily last month, Amsterdam last week. He’s running away from himself. Or from you, I don’t know.”Agh! *more wibbling ( ... )


arch_schatten January 26 2007, 17:43:14 UTC
Heya Christine! I'm very glad you enjoyes this crazy cracky story! I still don't know why did Clark decide to have sex with Harvey, but.. ehh.. well, it was hot!

I haven't watched Smallville, so I don't know anything about the whole red K deal, but I ran way with tmelange's universe and tried to make it work :P I'm really happy the result is wibble-worth!

And Harvey calling Clark scum was such a shocker. I guess Clark is pretty scummy under the influence of red kryptonite, but it's so weird to think about, lol, especially since you did such a good job of making Clark ... Clark-ish, here.

Harvey was pretty angry! I... ahem, I might have been projecting a little in some ways, you know, when a friend is hurt by someone else, you really can't help but see the person who hurt them as scum. I'm not sure of what Clark did to Bruce -ahem, aside from the obvious- but Harvey is not pulling his punches. Poor Clark, though, he's got a really big sense of guilt here! *pets Clark*

People will be wondering that (or maybe not wondering at all) for a ( ... )


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