FIC: Heaven Tonight (entry for the WFA)

Dec 24, 2006 01:04

Well, here it is, the repost of my long-finished bawlfest baby :) I wouldn't have finished it without jen_in_japan and damo_in_japan's support through the mojo-less days :) Thanks, you two! Thanks to everyone who read it and to everyone who voted for it, too. I'm blown away :)

Title: Heaven Tonight
Pairing: Batman/Superman
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Character death
Summary: ( Read more... )

wfa, superman, death fic, fic, slash, batman

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Comments 31

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arch_schatten December 27 2006, 18:41:41 UTC
Lol, I don't think I can 'disguise' myself at all. I am glad you enjoyed it, it was touch and go for a long while as a draft, but after a while it took life of it's own and.. I couldn't stop. I'm glad that feeling was transmited while reading it :)


jij December 24 2006, 03:22:27 UTC
I'm just going to run through this story and grab the lines that jump out at me the most, because the whole thing was so wonderfully poignant and sad...the happy scenes and sad scenes blend together and flavor each other, just like life. This was wonderful angst, Mina.

And the Tantric smut didn't hurt. :)

“Take me to your bedroom, Elokyn, my gift from the stars,”

I hearby officially claim "Elokyn" as fanon! *plants blue and black flag*

“Stopped Armageddon twice in the past four months and I can’t take off your pixie boots. I think I’m going to lay here laughing for a bit.”

Dying later in a fic is...very good for your Bruce. I love his wry, relaxed joking style here. He's just so pleased to be with Clark, and not taking himself seriously, and it's great!

Bruce smiled, and it was part mischief, part sweetness, like Bruce couldn’t bring himself back to a point where he could play games with Clark. Clark didn’t feel like playing games either, so that was fine with him, but the smile was… different. Special. “You have a ( ... )


arch_schatten December 27 2006, 18:49:22 UTC
Hee! I'm very happy it turned out okay, you know how much trouble it caused me in the beginning. It didn't want to be written! Silly bawlfest :)

And the Tantric smut didn't hurt. :)

Lol, it certainly didn't. The way muses took life of their own and dropped that on my lap was pretty awesome :)

I hearby officially claim "Elokyn" as fanon! *plants blue and black flag*

Its yours if you want it! The beauty of fanon :)

Dying later in a fic is...very good for your Bruce.

Lol, my Bruce is always going to die later, that's he beauty of it. I'm glad you liked the happier touches, I really like seeing Bruce relax and joke.

Batman using his last minutes to worry that Superman will respond to his death poorly and stop being the hero he needs to be breaks my heart.Bruce knows himself, and knows that if it was Clark dying, he would not be fuctioning very well for a long time. The world needs Superman more than it ever needed Batman -as painful for my fannish heart that saying that is, lol- and he knows they can't afford to have Clark be ( ... )


damos December 24 2006, 12:03:21 UTC
There is so much to love in this story, Mina. I love the way you let the relationship show slowly and develop. The attention to detail. The creation of a perfect little crystal of a relationship only to have it shatter in the end. And Clark's memory of that crystal... the many facets of it... the way it reflected his light and life and Bruce's light and life. Just wonderful.

I want to particularly, particularly, praise the end. Woobie is woobie, right. But the slow build. The sense of being held in a spot. The showing. The "reveal" in this story is done so well.
his mind providing the details that the simulation couldn’t replicate -the warmth of his body, the way Bruce’s naked body molded and fit so perfectly next to his, how his muscles rippled under his touch and the mumbled complaints that the man uttered in his sleep when Clark touched him softly enough to tickle.
That is love. That is memory. That is loss.

It didn’t feel real, but then, Clark hadn’t wanted it to feel real. He didn’t think he could let him go twice ( ... )


arch_schatten December 27 2006, 18:53:00 UTC
*blushes* Thanks Dan! I really wanted to show that to truly miss something, you had to have had something to start with, so the bittersweet memories were kind of an experiment for me. You know I was griefing about them not making enough sense, heh.

Missing a very loved one, and having the illusion of them still being around.. it helps, sometimes, but it also makes more painfull. I might have been channeling myself there, heh. Ahem. Thanks a lot for the help with the crazyness, Dan, and for all the encouragement :)


taro_twist December 24 2006, 23:42:22 UTC
Mina! First off, congratulations on the win!! *throws confetti* This story was angst at its horrible tortuous best. And second of all, I had no idea this was you, either! I was so convinced that you would have submitted a long story that I kept looking at them and being like ... but, but ... none of these sound like her, and I didn't even consider the shorter stories ( ... )


jij December 25 2006, 03:39:17 UTC
And what's Elokyn? *poke poke* Beautiful term of endearment, but did you just create that, or is it Kryptonian ...? If you made it up, wow! You should be the queen of nicknames.

*raises her hand enthusiastically to answer*

"El" is Kryptonian for "Star," but she made the rest of it up, I think. Because Kryptonian is uuuuuuugly. :)

I hope she doesn't trademark it, because I'm totally using it soon, and I'd hate to owe her money...


arch_schatten December 25 2006, 07:19:26 UTC
/Lol, actually, remember the page I showed you a while ago about Kryptonian? 'El' means star, but the theory is that when you add an 'o' to the end of a word, you turn it to plural, and 'Kyn' means gift. Therefore, Gift of Stars. I was going to call Bruce the name of the second moon of Krypton, but it's supposed to be a female name, so I gave up on that front :)

And I would be truly overjoyed to see someone else use it! My toys are your toys! *grins*


jij December 25 2006, 13:48:45 UTC
Wow! Somehow it's...even cooler to know it's actual Kryptonian.

Do you mind if I have Clark use it to Bruce instead of Bruce to Clark? I saw it as a general endearment, like "sweetheart," but is it something specifically referring to Clark?

*examines toy closely to make sure she's following the rules on how to use it* :)


taro_twist December 25 2006, 00:52:21 UTC
Happy Holidays!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and the freedom from school-ness!!


arch_schatten December 27 2006, 19:20:33 UTC
Thanks! I had a great time :) I hope you did too! huzzah for freedom!


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