Kryptonese and the Man who Speaks it

Nov 26, 2006 04:25

...and the man who learned it. Jen? Check it out! This scan made me squee like the fangirl I am! *grins* I'm playing with Kryptonese :)

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Comments 10

jij November 26 2006, 04:51:32 UTC
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's..

Mina, Super-Geek!

That is awesome.

*blinks a while at the sentence*

God damn, Kryptonian is an ugly-ass language. Yrubb orutoo...

Try using that for pillow talk, sheez. I suspect Kryptonian was a highly scientific language. But I'll try to follow the grammar if I have Bruce practicing, lol. I should go back and change the phrases in MotS to correspond to some of this as well.

*waiting at work for her chair to hurry up and convene our meeting so I can get out of here and go home...Sunday meetings, what a pain*


arch_schatten November 26 2006, 17:03:37 UTC
All right! With my geekery powers come flying power!

Kryptonese won't make for pretty pillow talk, I'm afraid. I rather like your take on it when Kal goes alien in MotS, so I'm *ahem* stealing that, but the research sure proved fun :)

Lol, and I can only imagine it being highly scientific and used for pillow talk. How awkward!

Bleh! Sunday meetings? That sucks! I hope it didn't last too long!


jij November 26 2006, 04:55:08 UTC
Oh, and now I'm curious--what is the tragedy they're referring to?

And yes, Bruce and Clark look deeply woobie there. Go ahead and hug, boys! Ignore the uptight macho men there, they're upset too. About whatever it is.

He's fluent in it. *sighs happily* You're so inspiring, Mina.


arch_schatten November 26 2006, 16:29:28 UTC
Not only is he fluent in it, other people know it! *teheee* Seriously, how could everyone else be obvlivious about the obvious shagging?

I have no idea what the tragedy is. I guess the Earth is going to explode or something, and Clark is all 'been there, done that', while Hawkman is all 'well, if it was *my* planet..' and Diana, Bruce and Hal stare at Supes lips. That's all the plot I can figure...

And really, I agree, the kryptonese sucks big time. It's really not pretty, but I'm going to tweak it a bit because really, who is going to notice. I'm having a lot of fun playing with all things Kryptonian right now (including clark, of course), I'm starting to think I might have to do a Theresa and read everything I find about him. It's so interesting! I didn't know there was a Chronicles of Krypton book! Probably golden/silver age, I guess, but I can only imagine the kind of crack it's filled with. Delicious!


damos November 26 2006, 13:47:30 UTC
Nerubb keyon eqyoo!


arch_schatten November 26 2006, 16:31:04 UTC


You evil man, trying to confuse me, and succeding!


schala_kid November 27 2006, 00:57:52 UTC
Pre-Crisis Kryptonian has to be different from Post-Crisis Kryptonian, well at least they are when it comes to the alphabet they are.

As for grammar I am not sure, but in Superman/Batman #8 when Kara arrives and starts talking Kryptnian one of the men who hear her asks if she's speaking swedish, so maybe Kryptonian sounds like Swedish in Post-Crisis?

Eh, who knows...


arch_schatten November 27 2006, 05:05:27 UTC
Swedish would work much better for me, really. I don't know how the kryptonese pre-crisis alphabet was... but I don't remember seeing a phonetic expression of kryptonese recently..

Still, something to geek about :)


paxwolf November 27 2006, 21:05:58 UTC
Hi Mina,

What a great scan. I vaguely remember reading this story from some comic ages ago. (I think it's the anniversary of Krypton's destruction, actually, but I could be wrong.) It's awesome that Batman is the only one that knew what Superman was saying, and who can undertand Kryptonese, even in the Pre-Crisis era.

And hey, again, thanks for your wonderful comments on my episode for the Justice League Virtual Season. You really made me smile. Thanks.

Good luck with the Superman research! Silver age stuff can be lots of fun. As a very long-time Superman comics reader, (I collect nearly every appearance of both Supes and Bats, but especially the former) please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about anything. (but it's far more fun to do the reading yourself, of course!)

Paxwolf, Research Buff :-)


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