(Upload) Destiny

Jul 09, 2006 20:11

Well, here's the first of my two pieces for merfilly Fic-a-thon Challenge. I wanted this to go somewhere more R rated at least, but of course they refused. Way to go, Bruce. I suppose I shouldn't have picked the only pairing I see with a sibiling relationship, of course I couldn't write them having sex ( Read more... )

fic, het, hawkgirl, batman

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Comments 17

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arch_schatten July 10 2006, 03:21:52 UTC
I was thinking of little baty Rex while writing this, because weeee! gorgeous! And John obviously didn't like this developement, as you can see in the other one. Well. you can't have your cake and eat it, John. And this is what happens when you don't play nice with Destiny!

I'm really happy it's squee worthy!!


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arch_schatten July 10 2006, 03:27:46 UTC
Oh-ho-ho, you got bitten by the Terry/Cass bug?? You're doomed. You're soooo doomed.

But.. please... Batty Rex... imagine.. the little thing.. with black hair and green eyes.. and wings! with daddy! eeeepp! too cute! /head explodes


elfcat255 July 10 2006, 04:05:32 UTC
aww the softer side of da Bat...I liked it! It's nice to actually see him have a conversation with her..not just mutter a few words and walk off like he does most of the time with everyone else(goin strictly on my JL tv watching experience here)..nice story!


arch_schatten July 10 2006, 04:17:56 UTC
I know, but I guess having an all out debate with Diana about the contributions of the greek to Man's world culture wouldn't have made for an action filled episode (though I would have watched it!). I's nice to have him be a person and talk and stuff. I know it's not very batman-esq, but I wanted to see him being a friend. I'm glad you liked it!


jij July 10 2006, 15:56:33 UTC
“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

Poor Bat. Everyone makes him say it eventually.

Nice conversation! It had the feeling of a real conversation, kind of heading in a certain direction but ambling about on the way. Wish I'd seen "Destiny," though. :(


arch_schatten July 10 2006, 17:31:43 UTC
I guess it would make more sense if you have seen the last two minutes of Shadow of the Hawk :/ I transcribe them here, because I'm obsessive like that ( ... )


jij July 10 2006, 22:58:31 UTC
But bah, I thought it was demeaning to just jump on the next guys arms because John is seeing Vixen. Once (with Carter) is a common mistake, twice is just... meh. Shayera is stronger than that, and anything she jumps in is because she's a strong, confident woman, not a damsel in distress.

That does make it difficult, doesn't it? With that in mind I'm actually rather glad she doesn't make out with Bats. Oh, and I liked Batman's line about knowing her favorite color, food, and that she likes to help people. Makes more sense with the scene for context, but I had guessed about right as to the original.

I'm going to ask you because I really need to know this to continue with my story...it might come out in the other two eps of "Starcrossed," but I don't know how much time I'll have to watch them...J'onn says he can't read the Thanagerian's minds. Do they ever bother to say why (beyond "If he can read their minds there isn't much story")? Is it because they're like biologically impervious to telepathy, or are they shielding themselves


arch_schatten July 11 2006, 04:59:40 UTC
It's never explained in any episode why J'onn couldn't read her mind. I don't know if it's natural shields or if she was protecting herself some other way. Since J'onn isn't actually aware of the thanagarian plan when the rest of the thanagarians are working with them, I would guess it's something the whole race has/is doing.

I don't think she's impervious to telepathy naturally, though, maybe just shielding herself to attacks. In the 'Only a Dream' episode, Dr. Destiny is able to infiltrate her dreams, and since J'onn can't enter her mind (there's a barrier that we don't know if it's part of her mental shield or part of her nightmare, as she's claustrophobic and is dreaming of being trapped in a coffin, so it would be either) and can't help her. I don't think Dr. Destiny would have been able to affect her if her shielding was natural against all telepathy. But that's just my theory, we are never told.


mtgat July 11 2006, 19:32:16 UTC
Good stuff! And I too would like to see Batty Rex. :D


arch_schatten July 11 2006, 21:28:45 UTC
Thank you! I don't know if I could write Batty Rex, but I might. Just because Bruce being a responsible father rocks my world... and I'm thinking Batty Rex might turn out scary. Daddy is a freak, mommy has a temper...


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arch_schatten August 11 2006, 05:30:22 UTC
I just noticed an squealed and had a fit of joy. I boy to your perfect characterization. I loved it so much, I'm happy something like that came from this!


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arch_schatten July 12 2006, 00:07:00 UTC
Weeeee! I'm so happy you like it! When het clicks for a slasher, it's the best compliment every :) I'm a slasher myself, but I go down the sinful road of het every now and then...

That's probably one of the most insightful things about Batman ever written. Or maybe it's about Bruce. Either way.

Thank you! My Bruce is emotionally scared, sure, but he's not a coward. He's been burned several times, so he tries to not get close to people, but he's got a pretty huge heart, so he can't really help caring for them. My Bat is also a hero, not a psycho. He feeds no rats to kids, oh no :P I'm very, very happy you liked!


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