(Upload) Psych_30 prompt 10) Approach - Avoidance (Fish pal in lawn)

Jul 02, 2006 22:26

This is the first one I wrote, and my favorite, probably because it's Eddie! Woo! /glomps Eddie. It's still a month for his birthday, but this is for DaMo! Riddler and Two-Face are my favorite rogues, and the ones I feel more comfortable with, so I hope it shows :)

Fandom: DC animated
Title: Fish pal in lawn
Characters: Edward Nygma a.k.a. The ( Read more... )

riddler, fic, psych_30, rogues, gen

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Comments 14

jij July 3 2006, 11:54:57 UTC
Aw! DaMo loves it and says that's definitely his Riddler, condescending, elitist, and frustrated, enjoying the chase but not the end of the game. I love the idea that Eddie would actually think in anagrams.



arch_schatten July 3 2006, 17:36:08 UTC
I must say that my Riddler, the one I love the most, is the cat-tales Eddie, who is much the animated Eddie too. Therefore, he think in anagrams and word games. The anagrams crack me up, writing him is a lot of fun. I'm glad you and DaMo approve!

Eddie doesn't really think he's Batman's greatest foe, but e knows he's his intellectual match. He needs Batman, just like Batman *shudders* needs his rogues. This challenge is going to twist my mind further...


tmelange July 3 2006, 12:05:53 UTC
This really is clever and funny, Mina. I've read it about 5 times now and I enjoy it every time. Kudos.


arch_schatten July 3 2006, 17:39:25 UTC
*grins* I'm glad you like it, T! It always makes me smile, and that's a lot to say (after a while I end up hating half my stories). You know the feeling... so thank you!


__marcelo July 3 2006, 15:14:16 UTC
*applauds* Poor Nygma - this is so much who he is. Not really evil,just unable to control himself, or to see that he has a problem... Not unlike the Bat, sometimes.


arch_schatten July 3 2006, 17:42:44 UTC
Too smart for his own good and unaware of his psychosis, yep, sounds like Bruce. And even so, Eddie is probably one of the less crazy rogues in my head. He just needs Batman, the way Batman needs his rogues... This challenge is slowly creeping me out with the things I'm thinking.


nos4a2no9 July 3 2006, 15:58:05 UTC
Loved it. I think you've cut right to the heart of Riddler's egomaniacism and offered a good solution to the eternal question: when they capture Batman, why dont' they just unmask him and kill him right away? Pretty much all of his rouges must think along the same lines as ol' Eddie: he's their greatest foe, and life after the death of the Bat really wouldn't be worth living. It's nutty, but I think it's accurate. Great one-shot, and I'm really enjoying your other psych_30 challenge answers.


arch_schatten July 3 2006, 17:47:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you're liking the stories, they are really fun to write. And I think you're right, the rogues need Batman. There might be less crazies in Gotham if Batman wasn't there, probably not less crime, only less crazies.


katarik July 3 2006, 19:16:06 UTC
He thinks in anagrams! Eeee!

Oooh, this echoes that one story where the Riddler knew who Batman was and Batman was all "And then everyone does, which makes the riddle useless." And the next panel was the Riddler looking so *frustrated*.

Because really, who understands a riddle wrapped in an enigma but another one just like him?


arch_schatten July 3 2006, 22:05:41 UTC
Yep! That was the idea. Eddie's need to keep himself sharp and, erm, entertained, for lack of a better word, is one of his biggest faults. He needs a rival, an equal, and he doesn't have anyone better than Batman. /refrains from writing Riddler+Oracle...

Glad you liked his happy anagram self!


katarik July 4 2006, 04:40:39 UTC
... the scary thing is, someone like you might make that make *sense*.


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