May 26, 2010 23:10



Spoilers! I'm not coherent enough, anyway! )

fannish, the world is awesome

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Comments 15

mithen May 27 2010, 05:23:31 UTC
I love him for despising abuse and I love him fighting bare chested with a sword with hyperspace monsters.

LOL, I think this sentence perfectly sums that one up.

I still do not know what Hal is doing there, though! He has not played a very big role so far! Just...watching Clark freak out!

Those panels with Clark yelling at Bruce were very gorgeous, even though his faces were weird sometimes. But Clark's anguished face was right on the mark! And the scenes in the Batcave, fighting the monster...yum.

It's interesting, Bruce is a lot more talky than Morrison's Bruce sometimes is! He's practically chatting it up, fighting the's a nice change IMHO!

Lots of nice little lines here and there by Bruce--I liked him facing down the monster with "I brought it here. This is my responsibility." And the implacable way he did the detective work to find the murderer, combined with his empathy toward the murderer once he found her, seemed very perfectly Bruce to me.



arch_schatten May 27 2010, 05:59:18 UTC

The bare chested fighting at the beginning looked gorgeous, I think, and I love that last scene versos the monster with the bats? all blue and white and black, it's like a pin up of hardcore sci-fi, I love it.

Hal! lol, here's hoping he.. makes sense sometime! I guess he'll be good for fighting Darkseid or hypertime monsters? or. Bruce? NGH. IF CLARK FIGHTS BRUCE I MIGHT DIE OF THE ANGST.

Clark's anguish nghhhhh X) X)

I like talky Bruce! he.. mostly thinks monologues, I think, in Morrison's books (well, in all books), but since we can't see much into Bruce's head here, we hear him talk? Otherwise we might find out about his book and what it said.

I so love savior complex Bruce. MY responsibility! Oh, man, there's few things sexier than a capable man. And and yess!! his empathy to the widow! Did you think about the black and white dancing story?? it totally came to mind to me, there, for some reason...


skund May 27 2010, 05:46:17 UTC
Heee! I laughed when I read this issue, because you were right! Doomsday machine! XD


arch_schatten May 27 2010, 06:01:10 UTC
YESSSS DOOMSDAY MACHINE!! I will get my Batseid after all! well, sort of! MAYBE! Nghh, Bruce being a doomsday machine makes me swoon. And Clark's face as he says it! so desperate! <3 <3


schala_kid May 27 2010, 06:08:15 UTC
I feel bad for Hal, everyone has speaking roles and conversations even Skeets! But Hal is just there. I mam guessing the Time Masters mini will flesh out on what they where doing but otherwise he hasn't been doing anything big.

And OMG Bruce as the 64th century archivist! I did NOT SEE THAT COMING! I swear I just thought "Oh wow who is that Spoon headed guy with weird hands and huge amounts of pubic hair?" and the HOLYSHIT Bruce! And now that I take a closer look he did have some Bat-ears. Although I found it a little worrisome that Bruce would leave Clark and the others in the 64th century all alone with no way back and just moments before they experience the death of existence. I guess it will all come down to just how much Clark and the others trust an amnesiac Bruce.

And yes the string-theory and Morrison channeling Lovecraftian monsters from the hypercube dimension and using thermodynamics and entropy to explain the end of the world! Good thing I payed attention to science classes and read HP Lovecraft!!!


mithen May 27 2010, 06:53:38 UTC
I feel bad for Hal, everyone has speaking roles and conversations even Skeets! But Hal is just there.

I beg to differ! he says "My ring doesn't do anything against it either." MAJOR SPEAKING ROLE. *nods*

(I'm sure he'll do something interesting sometime, lol!)


arch_schatten May 31 2010, 21:53:15 UTC
I hope Hal's role is revealed in Time Masters! so far, it's pretty hilarious. Everyone comments on how Hal is just.. hanging around in all the reviews I read, it makes me laugh. Green Lantern! being.. there! HOW USEFUL!

I DIDN'T SEE THE 64TH CENTURY ARCHIVIST THING EITHER!! I went all OMG OMG WHATT!! how did he get there, you know??? If he's there stealing their time sphere, how did he get there?? I hope it was the Omega Sanction and not.. the regular way. The creature was super grossly designed, lol, I agree! but.. BRUCE! I didn't notice the bat-ears until you said it, lol.

Do you think Bruce is still amnesiac? I feel like he must be amnesiac still at Vanishing Point, but.. I wonder!

The string theory and the hypertime was AMAZING. It totally blew my mind! The Lovercraftian monsters were just icing in the cake. It was just a round experience for me, I can't wait for the third issue!!


demon_faith May 27 2010, 07:03:11 UTC, I'm completely confused.

Which pretty much sums up my DC world right now. ;)


arch_schatten May 31 2010, 21:56:32 UTC
LOL, have you read it?? It's absolutely amazing, I thought. It draws a bit on Final Crisis and on Morrison's Batman run, but even without that it's just so much ass kicking and so many crazy ideas that it blew my mind! For practical uses, though, it narrows down to Darkseid having 'weaponized' Bruce so when he returns to the 21st century he'll trigger the destruction of everything. YEAH. Clark, Hal, Rip and Booster are trying to stop Bruce from going back, and Bruce is amnesiac! I love ittttt! :D


demon_faith May 31 2010, 22:01:08 UTC
Now, I kinda want to read it.

But I heard about Lian and now I don't want to give DC money ever again.



arch_schatten May 31 2010, 22:09:26 UTC
Ah, yes. Cry for Justice and Rise and Fall of Arsenal are BUMMER TOWN and.. not what I would call fun. Eh, I don't know how you feel about downloading -I read the singles downloaded and buy the trades, since I don't live in the US and I have to order them to a mailbox. That way I don't have to buy the stuff that's awful -ie, Cry for Justice and Rise and Fall of Arsenal... and JLA..


__marcelo May 27 2010, 15:46:37 UTC
Using Bruce Wayne as your Doomsday weapon is either the most brilliant plan ever or the most stupid one.

Pro: He's, like, the most dangerous man *ever*.
Con: He's, like, the most dangerous man *ever*.


arch_schatten May 31 2010, 21:57:38 UTC
LOL, it's a super crazy plan, I agree, but Darkseid using Bruce's meta-unkillability as a weapon was pretty inspired, I thought! he fails to see the meta-unwinnability of his plan, but props for trying! (I like making words up! wooo!)


__marcelo June 1 2010, 02:26:02 UTC
*g* That's true --- paraphrasing what Adam Strange said about the JLA "If I had sent Steel to the past, I'd have been gambling. I sent Batman; that's a *plan*."


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