(FIC) True Colors (PG-13) (Superman/Batman)

Oct 20, 2009 13:37

So. I was going to post only after I had caught up with commenting around but.. given.. the backlog.. and my fine lurker instincts... it looks like that will be a long wait! so... fic! fluuuffy fic! om nom nom!

Beta by the awesome mithen and damos team! of doooom ( Read more... )

superman, fic, slash, batman, dc

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Comments 38

ava_jamison October 21 2009, 00:14:46 UTC
Oh. My. God.

This was incredibly gorgeous. I LOOOOOOVE it.

So much.

This is a fic that make me ache with sadness and longing because I can never ever write something so beautiful!

It's so beautiful. I love the emotion here. The small touches, the intimacy of longtime friends. The small, low-key easiness that you build into this and then the huge, world-changing shifts, still written with subtle, lovely skill.

I love the way you write them, love your Bruce and how Clark sees him, and this Bruce with his guard down just a little, spilling water, so tired because he--they both work so very hard.

Love the commiserating, love the way they are with each other and the way it works here.

So much love, but most of all for the emotion behind the story, the way it makes me feel. So beautiful! Brilliant, gorgeous and amazing work!


arch_schatten November 23 2009, 23:09:00 UTC
Eeep! I'm sorry I'm so late replyingggg to this aughh D: I suckk :(

Thank you so much for the awesome feedback! it totally made my day X) And I don't know what you talking about, Ava, you write gorgeous, gorgeous stories! I'm a lurker of yours! :D you can imagine how behind I am...

I think one of my favorite things in DC slash is how.. friendly the romance can be. I mean, it definitely can also be very sexy and I love stories like that, but I love slow romances, the kind that kind of creep on the characters, barely aware of how lost they are X)

I'm very glad you liked this, especially their commiseration. Lol, that's the thing that made me write this piece, that sort of cranky dynamic that is sort of tender and teasing at the same time. Thank youuu for reading and the brilliant fb! :D


skund October 21 2009, 02:55:33 UTC
Oh, awesome. I love how subtle and sly Bruce is and how they can both dance around a topic but still be exactly on the same page. Clark would wait and Bruce would expect nothing and... It just so perfectly them. Wow.

Your overworked, overtied Bruce was adorable. XD


arch_schatten November 23 2009, 23:10:54 UTC
Bruce is a cranky bastard at the best of times, sleepy Bruce is like a tired puppy X) (well, not really, but isn't it a cute image? :P) You know, I didn't notice they didn't really *say* what they were talking about until you pointed it out. Uhm, lol, I guess the boys are really on the ball? I think they usually *know* what's going on but it's safer to ignore it. Silly, silly boys...

Thank youu for the awesome fb and sorry for the late reply! urgg lifeeee! +huuugs+


untitledno8 October 21 2009, 07:25:28 UTC
Oh wow. That was so, so wonderful. Both their exhaustion, especially Bruce's, of course, and the feeling of quiet and them being together and then the end - a lovely, lovely story!


arch_schatten November 23 2009, 23:30:32 UTC
Yay! thank you!! I'm sorry I'm so late replying :( lifeee got kind of crazy.. I'm very glad you liked the story, I love tired Bruce, he's so adorable :3


mithen October 21 2009, 07:59:17 UTC
Love like a work of art, I love that phrase so, so much. It's a perfect expression for me of what love would be like for Bruce--how he'd work at it, yes, but with joy and devotion.

"A couple of minor earthquakes in Japan. An attack on Chicago by Weather Wizard,"

I think this bodes ill for me...

Bruce hummed, swiveling in his chair, softly hitting Clark's knees over and over. "Sleep in your quarters then."

I just love that mundane little detail of how people sit in swivel chairs. :)

"I'm not a robot," Clark said between sandwich bites.

*nods solemnly*

Mz'haai, the color of love that is worked for, love that is groomed, love that won't fade. Love that sings in jubilation in the hands of the crafter. Love like a work of art.

My favorite lines! They're so perfect...*happy sigh*

He saw an almost imperceptible change in the set of his friend's shoulders, heard the smallest of sighs. Bruce thought he was leaving.I adore resigned Bruce and how he's not...sad exactly, but he kind of expected it. It kind of breaks my heart there! ( ... )


arch_schatten November 23 2009, 23:35:33 UTC
Kitten I COULD NOT be more behind!! D: I'm sorryyy for the late replyyyy! I.. can make it up to you with some porn for beta? I'm embarrassed to sent it to Dan, lol. That's.. not much of repayment, is it? :P

I learned a new Fashin acronym todayyy!! TOTN (things of that nature!). FASHIONNNN :D

Ahem.. you know, I sort of have to blame you for the 'love like a work of art' line, you and your mended china image! It has permeated my brain and is just automatically associated with S/B. Chipped china? why, yes, I love S/B! :P

Thankfully there were no problems in Japan and Chicago. Woot woot! Actually, Weather Wizard was rather kind with us in Chicago..

I am kind of on a kick of Bruce and Clark expecting the other to drop the subject. It comes up again in the NK fic... like, they are not even in denial of the whole thing, they just don't talk about it. Silly boys..

Thank you so much with the help with it! :D youuu rockkk but we already knew that :3


starsandsea October 22 2009, 18:01:58 UTC
Eeeee, Mina fic!!! *dances*

so many alien operatives, they made Clark feel more rooted to Earth, a confirmation that he really belonged there. It was a comforting feeling.

Aww. *pets Clark*

Clark saw his own image punch the wrong number, and then the image ran backwards, and then again, the wrong number, and then again backwards... "Okay, I get it. I guess I'm more tired than I thought I was..."

*pets Clark again* Eeee, they're so adorable when they're sleepy!

He kept looking at the other man, the way his hair fell over his eyes, dark bangs hiding his eyes entirely from Clark. He felt the itch to push it back, but Bruce ran a hand through his hair just as he thought of it, without much effect. His hair fell back over his eyes.

Mmmm, Bruce's hair... Pretty! :p

"Hrm. Yes. Terrific will take over tomorrow."

Eeee, Michael! *glomps him* Also, I really love all the growly/Hmmm noises Bruce makes! Hee. *hearts him*

Bruce raised an eyebrow at him, the wolfish eyes regarding him warily. "Now, how would you know that? If I'm alone, ( ... )


arch_schatten November 23 2009, 23:54:46 UTC
Hiii Star!! :D I'm sorry I'm so late replying! I'm super behind on everything, as you can see :/ +hugs+ I hope you're doing okay! :D

I love sleepy Bruce! he's so adorable, and he and Clark are sort of.. cranky and sweet and silly X) they need some sleep! after the smooching, of course :P I'm very glad you liked this! I was feeling very schmoopy X) Thank you for reading, Star!! :D


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