(Upload) Psych_30 prompt 1) Transference (New Policies)

Jul 02, 2006 22:08

This is the second one I wrote, and it was for the 'Separation Anxiety' prompt but went somewhere else, saving me of thinking of something for the 'Transference' prompt that was driving me crazy. I think it does fit a lot better for 'Transference', poor Wesker. I wanted to make Scar Face talk! I'll have to use him again.

Fandom: DC animated
Title: New Policies
Characters: Arnold Wesker a.k.a. The Ventriloquist
Rating: G
Prompt: 1 - Transference
Word Count: 328
Spoilers: Not really
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own the rogues, but I could probably use a holiday in Arkham
A/N: The table is here. Beta by awesome tmelange.

New Policies

Unlike the times before, when the police registered him in the Asylum the wardens took Scareface away. ‘New policy,’ they said, and that day, Wesker was happy.

He was really, really happy. He was free!

Though, that night, he couldn’t sleep. The silence was frightening.

The next day, he couldn’t eat. He couldn’t decide on anything in the cafeteria.

That afternoon, when a brawl started in the common room, he was too scared to defend himself. When they took him to the infirmary, he lashed out at the nurse. He didn’t know what she wanted from him.

He spent two weeks in solitary after that, barely sleeping, unable to eat, almost unmoving. He was free, and he had never been more scared in his life.

The sessions with the doctors eventually got better. Wesker knew he wasn’t a bad man, he really didn’t wish harm on anyone. He just did his thing, and if he was a tad slow to make decisions, well, it was hardly a criminal offence. The doctors were very pleased with his progress, and congratulated themselves with every little improvement he made.

Wesker could have told them from the beginning, really. He wasn’t crazy.

He was released from the Asylum much quicker than he usually was, his chart filed away in the ‘fit to rejoin society’ stack. Wesker had spent enough time in Arkham to know the stack was only sorted once a month to keep the charts of the regulars at hand, in case they came back.

‘Fit to rejoin society’ -of course he was. He looked at the box of his belongings, and stepped back in fear.

“Get me outta here, you traitor!” Scarface bellowed from the box.

Wesker hated Arkham. “Y-yes, Mr. Scarface.” Why couldn’t they see that it wasn’t him who needed treatment? It was Scarface. Scarface was crazy, not him.

Wesker sadly gathered his scarce belongings, and picked up Scarface. Maybe next time they would get the right one.

gotham, ventriloquist, fic, psych_30, rogues, gen

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