Christmas 2005 Wishlist

Nov 18, 2005 15:15

Christmas Wishlist 2005

Christmas is right around the corner... )


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Comments 16

aethrin November 18 2005, 11:37:45 UTC
A bit late, aren't we? XDDD Eh, nevermind the random momment.

New basketball and ring Neh? Who's Kiri?


arccie November 18 2005, 16:16:21 UTC
*looks around wildly*
huh? whose late? when? where? why?

(I wasn't going to do the meme but was prodded...some people have very sharp sticks at their disposal)

My basketball has gone missing and my basketball ring rusted through, so it's on my christmas list as well as my shopping list as oon as I work out where the best place to buy them is.

Kiri-pet *snugs*
a.k.a. Kirihara
KiriRyo (snark fest)



aethrin November 18 2005, 17:42:41 UTC
ah. yes. understand the power of sharp sticks. that's how kitty was talked into doing the meme. oh. i'm sure you'll get one sooner or later. the crazy guy who cooks? o__o


arccie November 20 2005, 13:22:45 UTC
the crazy guy who cooks? o__o

...I think we may be having two very different conversations, that or I'm insane...not an unlikely possibility.
Anyway when I say Kiri I mean Kirihara Akaya from Rikkadai in PoT.
Cute black haired imp that can be mistaken for Mizuki except for his eye colour.
(the one in the centre of mys icon pics)
...clear as mud?


exwaiz November 19 2005, 00:50:22 UTC
*headdesk* You and Mi-chan both....Whyyyyyyyyy? Why must you torment me with KiriRyo???? I would totally try out 5x2 again, but then some people on my friends list might kill me. XD

I might try out some of the Whistle! pairings though. :3

And maybe ConYuu if I'm drunk enough not too busy.


arccie November 20 2005, 13:33:54 UTC
But but but KiriRyo is sooo preety. It's snark with a dash of snark and a side dish of snark...
It's the snark pair! (ok, I have no idea what their official doubles partnership would be called, but they scream snark and thus they are named)

...why would people want to kill you for writing 5x2 (unless they're Meitachi on a 1x2 rampage or you werte just extremely bad at it, which I refuse to believe. You can't get out of it that easily)?

Whistle pairings are LOVE and there are so not enough authors in that fandom where there are many boys all of whom at some point seem to be lusting after the main character (really! that wasn't the only reason I watched it...;)...ooooh that's what I forgot to put on my list, Fujishiro/Shou...who can forget adorable Fujishiro and his inappropriate laughter when other boys get soccer balls kicked at their crotches *whistles tunelessly* Ok, so that may be the entire reason I rewatch whistle, but there is still much Shou love too!!!)

ConYuu Con uu ConYuu ConYuu YAY!!! how intoxicated do I need to make ( ... )


exwaiz December 2 2005, 07:42:00 UTC
No fair! You're picking on meeeeeee! XD Fine, fine. The KiriRyo is in the works anyway. :P

Not just Mei, I don't think. I happen to know a lot of 1x2 fans. ^^;

I just thought the UST in that series was just too good to pass up. But yeah...the fandom makes me want to cry. Who's your favorite author in that fandom anyway?

We'll have to see about the ConYuu, though I really, really, REALLY want to try. XD


lil_blossom November 24 2005, 01:42:48 UTC
Because Kiri/Ryo is so snarky and lovely... You'd be surprised how many pairings Arccie and I have in common. It's rather strange.

And my fic for you should be out by some time next week, at the latest... be glad I love you so much. I should play russian roulette after making that, with 5/6 barrel full of bullets (or red ink pellets at the very least)


jgal87 November 19 2005, 02:00:37 UTC
well.... Kirihara/Ryoma eh... I believe I can do something about it ^_^;;


arccie November 20 2005, 13:36:37 UTC


(will stop abusing the caps lock now)

*does happy dance*
snark pair snark pair snark pair



jgal87 November 20 2005, 21:58:43 UTC
yeah ^^;; It's already planning in progress ^^;;


lil_blossom November 24 2005, 01:40:23 UTC
This did not appear on my friends list.... Grr -_-
My christmas pres for you is a surprise *giggles*
THough I might pull out and Envy/Ed (or Ed/Envy perhaps?) because they're EATING MY BRAIN (and Wai hates it... yes she does, but I'm too amused by them)... hell, I read an Mpreg fic with them and liked it. It was all so very plausable with Envy WAS a girl at the time (drugging Ed up) and him being artificial with teh Gate being sadistic and all... shoot me now please thanks.
Music? What kind of music? I like music but I have strange tastes... or something


arccie November 24 2005, 07:47:09 UTC
...I know...lj is being so very annoying at the moment, emails aren't going out, things aren't appearing on friends lists, the search engine doesn't recognise journal's just falling down around our ears... I want to know why you'r giggling?

oooh Envy/Ed/Envy.

I think I read that fic. Can't remember the details of it now. Just that Envy was pregnant as he'd been female and Ed was angsty (when is he ever not?)

Any sort of music really. Mostly I like songs with a good beat. the background music usually makes the song for me...though excellent lyrics (fascinating/intriguing ones) can compensate for not great song music...

I'm having a lot of trouble doing that music meme as my brain wants to write angsty and it's very hard to be inspired in taht way from teeny bopper music (ok, so it's not literally teeny bopper music, but it's similar enough)


lil_blossom November 25 2005, 01:44:31 UTC
::glares at lj: I want to know why you'r giggling?
Um...maybe not. Actually, I think you'll like it... gah!

Come on, I know you like the Ed/Envy. THey're such a bastardly pair you know you can't help but love them and the prettyness.

I tend to listen to darker music ^_^. Evanescence is really the only main stream band I like (I have an off facination with her voice as a singer myself).

...I'm pretty much writing angst with my music -_-. Go stare at Lacuna Coil or Tapping the Vein. I really like them ^_^. I'm not sure if you'll like it....but oh well. Or search randomly for stuff online, there's some crazy stuff.


meggiebaby81 November 25 2005, 15:46:34 UTC
Okay, I can do teh fics. Sinceyou seem to like them. I will vounteer for GW, FMA and PoT. I woudl do KKM, but COnrad/Yurro scares me. Seriously. You want a Conrad/Yzak I am your girl or Yurram. But COnrad/Yurri is just wrong....

my music might scare you...but teh new Nickleback CD is ruling my world still. I highly reccommend it.

So I am off to write. Not only NaNoWriMo. But Now I have a reason to get all fangirly again! YAY!!


arccie December 1 2005, 15:21:50 UTC
Ooooh ( ... )


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