[Oneshot] Kiriban

Sep 16, 2007 14:26

Title: Kiriban

Author: me aka Jek

Series: Oneshot

Pairing: Sakuraiba

Rating: G

Summary: Aiba can’t sleep.

Notes: This is just so pointless! XD But it’s my long overdue kiriban for Mon, hence the title.

Aiba stared up at the ceiling. He’d been doing that for the past 2 hours. He couldn’t sleep. There was something different about his bed, nothing uncomfortable actually, just different. Apparently, he was very particular about his sleeping conditions, something he hadn’t noticed until now. He shifted a little to his left, wriggled his toes, closed his eyes and waited. After a few minutes of nothing happening, he finally gave in and sat up. He hugged his knees, delighting in the softness of his new pajamas.

Maybe it’s the pajamas, he suddenly thought. They needed time to break in right? But he slept in different clothes everyday, so it might not be the lovely neko jammies that Jun gave him.

Maybe it was the blanket. He wriggled his toes underneath them. It was really soft and comfortable. Were it any other night, he’d fall asleep right away underneath them. He stared at it for a while, stared at its striped-pink-and-green-ness. It looked like those watermelons he loved eating with Captain. But he’d been using that blanket for about a month now. So it wasn’t the blanket.

Wait. The stripey side was supposed to be inside wasn’t it? Yes, that was it! He flipped the blanket to its rightful position and curled up below it. He closed his eyes and waited for his consciousness to drift off into sleep. He bit his lip, something still doesn’t feel right. He sighed and opened his eyes, but not bothering to get up.

The pillows! It must be the pillows! Nino gave them to him……..IT MUST BE THE PILLOWS! They must have non-sleeping powder inside them! He looked inside the pillow and shook it as hard as he can. He inspected and scrutinized every little detail about it. Nothing different or sneaky or evil about them. They’re just plain pillows with a little star embroidered in the corner of each.

Gah! He flopped down helplessly frustrated at his newfound insomnia. What’s wrong? What’s MISSING? WHY CAN’T HE SLEEP?!?!!? He flailed at his bed angrily, irritated beyond belief.

“Whatever you’re doing, it looks cute.” A familiar voice laughed.

Aiba looked up and saw standing by the bed with an amused expression on his face, Sho. Sho flopped down onto the bed and kissed Aiba’s cheek gently. “Let’s sleep ne?”

Aiba nodded, not willing to bother Sho with his insomnia problems. But strangely, as Sho wrapped his arms around his waist, as Sho’s warmth seeped into his body, as Sho whispered “Oyasumi” in his ear, he found what was missing and he found that sleep was right around the corner.

length: one-shot, pairing: sakurai sho/aiba masaki

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