Title: Missed Call
Author: Youraddbuddy
Pair: Aimiya
Rating: G
Genre: Humor
Summary: Missed calls on Nino's part lead to an upset Aiba
“Hey, I called you last night.”
“I know. I watched the phone ring.”
“…that hurts, Nino.”
“Well, it should!”
“Why didn’t you answer?”
“Well, I looked at the ID and saw it was you, and from there it was that ‘I’ll call back later’ feeling. Without the intention of calling back. Plus, I was doing stuff.”
“You’re so mean to me! You never answer when I call, you never text me back, you never call me in the first place, you always put something else before me!”
“No I don’t!”
“We’ve been friends for more than 10 years, and this is all I get? Do I mean nothing to you? Am I not important at all?!?”
“I was busy!”
“Busy enough to miss a call?”
“11 calls?”
“And 23 texts?”
“Doing what?”
“My cousins were over.”
“So your cousins are more important than I am?”
“…kinda, when you never see them. And you know, the whole, we’re related thing helps.”
“And I was jumping.”
“Do I want an explanation?”
“I don’t know Aiba, do you?”
“No. You wouldn’t tell me anyways.”
“Whatever… why did you call?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Aiba. Stop being stupid. If it deserved 11 calls there must be a good reason. Now say it before I really ignore you for the rest of the week.”
“I was bored.”
“…are you serious?”
“Just bored?”
“I was in a time of need and you weren’t there!”
“…so you just threw a fit, questioned my motives, accused me of neglect, and doubted our friendship…”
“It needed to be said.”
“All because I wasn’t around to subdue your boredom.”
“Well, yeah. That’s why you’re here, right?”
“You know…sometimes, I really loathe your existence.”
“What? B-but why? Nino, why are you leaving? You said you wouldn’t ignore me! Nino? Nino, don’t leave ME!!!”
Title: Flavor of the Week
Pair: Sho/Jun
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Summary: Sho wants to fix a certain something he fails at with Matsujun's help
"Hey, Matsujun, can you do me a favor?”
“That depends. What needs to be done?”
“I just want your help fixing something.”
“Why me?”
“…why not you?”
“That logic only works on Aiba and Leader.”
“Because you’re the only one who could actually help.”
“Should I be flattered?”
“If that’s what makes you happy.”
“What do you need?”
“Can you try these cookies? I made them this morning.”
“But you said you’d hel-”
“No, I asked what the problem was, I never made any promises.”
“What, are you afraid of the cookie?”
“No, I’m afraid of your cooking.”
“That’s the problem I need your help fixing. So eat the cookie!”
“No, I could die!”
“Stop being a drama queen and eat it!”
“No, Sho.”
“They’re entirely homemade!”
“That doesn’t comfort me.”
“But I followed the recipe and everything!”
“Did you really?”
“Have you eaten one yet?”
“Yeah, it’s actually edible. A lot better than my last attempt.”
“That’s not that hard to beat.”
“Oh, get off it. Nobody died.”
“Pouting won’t help you.”
“You ate Aiba’s cookies when he brought them in.”
“That’s because Aiba knows how to cook.”
“But they looked horrible!”
“So do yours.”
“Just eat the cookie.”
“Fine, fine.”
“…so, how is it?”
“It’s not bad. It’s just…bad.”
“What part, did I put in too much sugar?”
“…I don’t think that’s it…”
“Well, what’s the problem? Is there too much of something? Not enough?”
“Definitely too much of…something.”
“Is it the flavor?”
“Is burnt a flavor?”
“Hmm...you don’t like to follow recipes, right?”
“But I foll-”
“Don’t lie.”
“Not really, no.”
“But you like making things from scratch. Because it makes you feel accomplished, right?”
“But you have no idea what you’re doing.”
“But I-”
“Don’t deny it. You fail.
“Man, I really felt good about these this time.
“But these are kind of amazing.”
“Really!? Why?”
“How can you make a cookie that’s soggy and burnt? That’s just inconceivable.”
“…does that mean you want another?”
Disclaimer: I own nothing D: and i have no idea how to post stuff OTL
I think I did it right this time?