
Jun 06, 2009 22:32


Pairing: RyoPi
Summary: Why does Ryo have such a rough, husky voice? Just one little girls question made Ryo so self conscious about his voice.

Raiting: absolutely G
Warning: boyXboy romance 
Word count: 1,937
Note: I’m back again! Only a few days later this time with another fic, and a different pairing :) this was really random and I think it fails, but I’ll let you judge that. And I’ll know it sucked when I get no comments lol

“Why does Ryo have such a rough, husky voice?”

The crowd and group members all laughed at the little girl’s statement.

“I don’t know”

“I don’t know”

“I don’t know”

“I can’t get him to stop that either” Koyama laughed along with other similar remarks from the group members.

“I don’t know, hang on. Well, Ryo nii-chan?” Massu asked.

“You think I have a rough voice today? Do you think I have one even now?” he smiled as he spoke to the little girl and at the remark that she came out with.

“Mm” she nodded.

“Really?! Well, everyone was born with their face, and I was born with a voice like this”

“Oh no” a comment from one of the other members.

“What would you do if someone asked, ‘Yui-Chan, why do you have such a pretty face?’?” the audience screamed and the band members laughed.


He tried to not let it bother him. It was a little girl who didn’t know anything, for Kami’s sake. His voice wasn’t that rough and husky was it? It’s been the same since his voice had broken. And that hadn’t been recently. Why couldn’t he stop thinking about it? He tried to just focus on the concert, on performing his best and enjoying himself and allowing the audience to have a good time. But when his solo lines came up… had his voice always sounded like that? It sounded stupidly deep and gruff and… he hated it. Why hadn’t he realised this before? It sounded like gravel and he began to wonder why he was in NEWS. With voices like Yamapi’s and Tegoshi’s who were warm and pure. In fact, it was the first time that he really listened to everyone’s voices. They were all different, but they were all so beautiful. Why was he with them?

When the concert had ended, he did all that he could to get out of there quickly and return to his hotel room, saying as little as possible. He was being stupid. He knew it. Girls screamed when he started singing. He was one of the most popular members of NEWS. Maybe that was just because of looks? It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered apart from the fact that he hated his voice. He wished that it would be different. That it would change.

It happens to everyone. A comment that doesn’t mean much gets etched into your head and you can’t think of anything but those few words that shouldn’t mean anything to you at all, that you should laugh at and forget. But instead it consumes you and everything that you knew and any logical thoughts that you had get thrown out the window and blown away.

He’d quit. That’s what he decided. He would quit NEWS, stop singing, maybe even never talk again… become a mime and mime everything out; or learn sign language; get a white board with him and write out everything that he wants to say. He threw himself face first on the bed and held one of the pillows over his head. His hand became a fist and he punched it down onto the bed.

The door soon opened and he knew that Yamapi was back. He was sharing a room with him after all.

“Hey, Koyama and Shige are singing in their room again. I think I heard Koyama saying something about a ‘teeny-tiny-stain’… not sure what it was on though…” he laughed a little, “he just sounds so funny putting on that voice though” the sound of Yamapi talking had been enough to make Ryo angrier than he already was, let alone that laugh that sounded so angelic without even trying, or Yamapi even noticing what a stunning and warm voice he had. Ryo felt the bed dip were Yamapi sat on the edge. He placed a hand on Ryo’s back and starting rubbing it gently.

“So, why did you run out after the concert?” Ryo stayed silent, “as far as I was aware, nothing went wrong. And everyone had a great time.” Still no reaction, “that girl was funny, wasn’t she; I think that she’s the first person I have met who says that Tegoshi and Shige are their favourite, Yui-Chan.” Ryo’s fist clenched.

“Maji de?” Yamapi lay on his side next to Ryo with his arm still over his back, “you’re upset because she didn’t choose you?” Ryo hit him over the head, or at least attempted to with his head still buried under the pillow. He in fact only managed to get his arm, Yamapi giggled “oh right, yea, she was that one that… so, you’re upset because a little girl asked why do you have a husky voice?” Ryo stayed silent, “oi. Ryo-chan~” Yamapi guessed he was right and nudged his head into the gap between the pillow and the bed and joined Ryo under there.

Ryo turned his face away and Yamapi used the arm over his back as leverage to pull Ryo’s back to his chest. He rested his nose in the crook of Ryo’s neck as he spoke again, “you know, even if she asked ‘why is your voice rough and husky, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like it. She just doesn’t understand why it’s like that.” He sighed when he didn’t hear a peep from Ryo, “if it makes any difference,” he said while releasing Ryo and starting to make his way off the bed, “I love your voice. It’s beautiful. When you sing, and when you talk. Just the sound of your voice makes you seem like a trustworthy person and someone that others can talk to. So, yea. I love your voice.” Yamapi leant back down and kissed Ryo’s shoulder and was about to get back up when Ryo’s hand reached to Yamapi’s shirt and gripped it. His head emerged from the pillow and he turned to look at Yamapi.

“you have to say that, you’re my boyfriend.”

“I wouldn’t be your boyfriend if I didn’t love everything about you. Including your voice.” Yamapi leant down and kissed him on the lips biting his bottom lip for a second before parting, “and if you ever stop talking to me again, we’re breaking up” Ryo smiled and Yamapi kissed him again.

“But I mean, seriously. What were you going to do? Not ever talk again? Become a mime? Oh! Or better yet, carry a white board and pen around with you and write everything you want to say.”

Ryo blushed, “Hontouni?!” Ryo averted his eyes, “huh.. baaaaka!”

“Uresai” he replied, still blushing as Yamapi got onto the bed beside him and wrapped his arms around Ryo’s waist, pulling him closer against his will.

Yamapi kissed Ryo’s cheek as his face was still turned away, “hey, do you know when I love your voice the most?” Ryo shook his head and Yamapi smirked, “when you’re moaning and groaning underneath me and making all those beautiful sounds.” Ryo’s eyes widened and his face turned bright red. He shoved Yamapi off the bed and grabbed the notepad supplied by the hotel.

I’m going to start right now he write on the pad, tore it off and stuck it on Yamapi’s forehead. He took it off and read it.

“you’re joking”

Another note on his head, I’m not.

“and what exactly will you do when you run out of paper?”

Get more.

“and how are you going to sing?”

I’m not. I’m quitting.

“ok. Ryo. Joke too far.”

Who’s joking?

“you can’t quit!”

Why not? You don’t need me and all your voices blend so well together without me.

“okay. 1, waiting for you to write back your reply in this argument sort of kills the flow, don’t you think? And 2, we do need you! I need you! If you quit I don’t know what we’ll do. How are we supposed to deal with a 4th member leaving?”

Ryo started writing on the notepad again and Yamapi snatched it from his hands and threw it across the room before grabbing a hold of Ryo’s shoulders tightly, forcing him to look at him.

“if this is a joke, then it isn’t funny. And if it is, then stop it now. If it isn’t then you need to get over this quickly before it gets blown into something way out of proportion. What I said about when I liked your voice best was a joke. I love your voice best when it’s live and passionate or sexy or whatever the theme is when you’re singing. I love your voice when you’re singing from your heart and the raw passion comes through. And I swear to Kami, if you stop me from hearing it, so help me - ”

“What? what would you do?”

There was a pause, “…I don’t know. Probably cry and beg, during the concerts that you aren’t there, for you to come back. Do the same things live on talk shows and interviews, whatever it took. And I’m not the only one! Think about all your fans that would be devastated if you quit singing. And what could you do that doesn’t involve talking anyway?”

“I’d think of something.”

“hey, I don’t want to seem overpowering or bossy or like I think I know everything, even though that is probably how I look right now. But you are best when you’re singing and with your band members. Come on, you know that what your thinking is stupid, right? It’s just one of those things where you need to take in a deep breath and then let it go when you breath out. There is no one that doesn’t love your voice, and even if they don’t, they don’t really matter.” Yamapi noticed how his hands were gripping Ryo’s so tightly when he saw the pained expression on Ryo’s face and released them straight away, rubbing them slightly to ease any pain he caused.

“sorry. I didn’t mean to…” he looked up at Ryo, “I’m being selfish aren’t I, and making assumptions out of nothing. Sorry, you should do what makes you happy. And if singing and being a member of NEWS can’t make you happy anymore then it’s fine. just make sure that you’re happy.”

“so, you wouldn’t beg?”

“I’d probably try not to. But if anyone mentioned you, I would probably well up and give up and start begging.”

“would you stay with me?”

“as much as I could”

“you’d support me even if I just decided that I wanted to be a mute that lived with you and did nothing?”

“if that made you happy, but I doubt that. You always loved to move around and be busy”

Ryo moved forward two steps before he was chest to chest with Yamapi and wrapped his arms around his waist.

“it’s not that I don’t love to sing. It’s just that I don’t like how it sounds anymore”

“can I tell you a secret?”

Ryo looked up at Yamapi.

“I don’t like my voice either”

“but it’s beautiful! And so smooth and warm.”

“and I think the same about you and you don’t want to believe me.” Yamapi raised his hands to hold Ryos face in his own, “we may not like our own voices, but there was something about them that made Johnny Katigawa put us together in a group and that made girls all over Japan go crazy for us. So if you don’t think your voice is good enough, just listen to your screaming fans who think otherwise.”

Ryo searched Yamapi’s eyes before leaning up to catch his lips own his own, “okay”


Lol well that kinda sucked badly!!! This would definitely not happen in real life, but I used to like my voice and then at some point just didn’t like it anymore, even though there are people who do like it. But I don’t have a whole stadium full of screaming fans, although I SO wish I did!!!

#oneshot, person: nishikido ryo, person: yamashita tomohisa, #fanfiction, genre: fluff, group: news, rating: g, genre: angst

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