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Link2 Name: Akira
Age: 17
Country: Japan
Tell us about yourself...
Strong Points: friendly, loyal, understanding
Weak Points: plastic, backstabber, traitor
Good Habits: my good habits are, im always nice to my friends and yeah they said im a nice person..
Bad Habits: when i laze around the house xP
Hobbies: drawing, singing, dancing, listening to musics
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: being helpful with others
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: hmm,., i dont fit in when my friends are talking about something i dont know..
Describe yourself in 3 words:
kind, artistic, fashionable
This or That...
High, medium, or low energy?: medium
Impulsive or Cautious: cautious
Leader or Follower: follower
Optimistic or Pessimistic: pessimistic
Calm or Hyper: calm
Sing or Dance: sing
Good Temper or Bad Temper: good temper
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill, what do you do: i'll just stay in front of the computer or draw and listen to music..
You're stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring: cellphone? even though if there's no signal, my ipod, and and some sketch pad xP
You're house suddenly catches on fire in the middle of the night, what will you do: i'll go out of my room, tell everyone that there's a fire at our house..
If you were a girl/boy for a day what would you do: well, i'll try all the guys clothes till i want, coz its soooo cool xD
A stranger hugs you from behind, what do you do: i should break it ask who is he o.O
Favorite Arashi Member? Why? (go all crazy fangirl with this one if you like :D) well, I like everyone in Arashi, but I like most is Matsumoto Jun, know, he's just something I like :D
Song: anything, but for know Arashi songs
Album: I don't really know..
PV: One Love
Food/Beverage: Japanese Foods
Color: blue, black, white
Animal:t cat, dog or hamster
Movie: horror, action, comedy
Music: Jpop/jrock
Least favorite Arashi member? Why? I don't know. maybe Aiba??
Song: none
Album: I don't know
PV: I like everything, there's nothing to hate..
Food/Beverage: sticky foods
Color: pink
Animal: bugs
Movie: romance
Music: sad songs
Pictures of yourself, please:
click here err, im sorry, all my pictures are edited :)
How did you find your way here: from my friends
Who do you think you are most like and why: i don't really know till i get stamped :)
Anything else: i hope to see many votes for Jun *kidding* x)