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Fight song &
Love so Sweet Name: Chiva (real: Nina)
Age: 20
Country: Slovakia
Tell us about yourself...
Strong Points: I am friendly and get along with everyone pretty well. Optimistic and talkative. And most of my friends tell me that I am the one who can listen to their problems and actually help them at least a bit.
Weak Points: I am easily decieved. If I like someone I believe what the person say to me and even if he/ she is palying with me I won´t notice it. Also I am a dreamer so I am like out of reality. I don´t see some things that are obvious or I just don´t care. But on the other hand I notice things other people don´t so....
Good Habits: I am trying to be polite to everyone. Also I consider this a good habit: If I don´t like someone I just avoid that person and don´t talk to him/ her rather than argue about things. It´s useless. And I am kind of clean and neat person. Especially when I am not home.
Bad Habits: My room is quite messy XD and I bite my nails, trip over everything around me and sometimes I am too loud XD
Hobbies: listening to music, learning to play bass, reading, psychology, cooking, learning Japanese, watching movies, body modifications of all kinds
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: Optimism....I just couldn´t go on living without it. It makes so many things easier....
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: I have a weak will...I need to put lot of strenght to everything I do because I lose interest very quickly. It doesn´t concern a few of my favourite things, but there are some. Also I am bit of a loud and sometimes too much talkative person.
Describe yourself in 3 words: talkative and friendly havoc,
This or That...
High, medium, or low energy?: Medium.....I am lazy.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive in most of the situations..then it tends up ending terrible sometimes. XD
Leader or Follower: Something in between I guess. To be honest I like to let people lead because its more comfortable, but often I end up beingthe one leading even though I don´t like it.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optmistic: My motto is: In the end everything goes well...if it´s not well is not the end. I guess this speaks for itself.
Calm or Hyper: Again lazy??? lol no, just joking I am .....Hyper all the way...lazy, but still hyper...if you know what I mean .... you probably don´t hh
Sing or Dance: I like doing both....In both I am no good...but XD
Good Temper or Bad Temper: Good, very friends are even joking about me that if Chiva doesn´t like someone and gets angry then there is no way he is normal and that someone else can actually like that person....O_o
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill, what do you do: I would probably throw some party in my house. Invite a few good friends and have fun, drinking, eating, watching some good movies and talking about stupid things.Of course I will pay for everything....(what I do anyway everytime so XD )
You're stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring: My laptop in waterproof case with some kind of an adapter on solar energy, hatchet, swimming suit XD
You're house suddenly catches on fire in the middle of the night, what will you do: I would wake up everyone, call the firestation, grab my PC and few fave books and run for my life. XD
If you were a girl/boy for a day what would you do: I would become gay, lol ....don´t ask.....*pervy mind*
A stranger hugs you from behind, what do you do: I would be like: WTF O_o" *eyebrow twitches* and then I would be probably like laughing my ass off somewhere and talking about that stuff to all my friends. And I would totally forget to ask that stranger why he did it.
Favorite Arashi Member? Why? (go all crazy fangirl with this one if you like :D) They are the best togetheeeeeeeeeer!!!! XD And I am that kind of person who liked the best everyone in some stages of her being a fan. Like I was totally Jun baited. the coolness is just too serious for not to like it!!!! XD Then I switched to Ohno, because he is so adorable and "my pace" person what I really like and also he is damned talented. After some time I realized that Nino is oh, wow, so great actor and oh, wow, so kind of mysterious guy. But now my fangirlistic obsession claimed Aiba as the one to whom belong my heart. And why? This is very simple. Coz he is the biggest BAKA ever. And that´s just my thing. And he is hot on top of that....who could argue....he is very very CUTICULE DANGER (read kyutikuru denjaa XDDD)
Song: Believe / Truth
PV: Truth
Food/Beverage: rice, broccoli, fish, pasta, water, coffee, alcohol -_-
Color: red, black, violet, green, white
Animal: cat
Movie: I don´t think i have one favourite movie, but I am going to admit that I love Kiiroi Namida very much.
Music: oh, well...I am maybe kind of untypically fan of harder music XD My main fandom in actualy Visual Kei XD I have Arashi as my side darlings to relieve my stress and make me happy. SO my faves are
lynch. (Nagoya Kei rulez XD)and I could go on forever.
Least favorite Arashi member? Why? I like everyone...though Sho is the one I don´t know much about.
Song: I do not have I guess....
Album: none
PV: none
Food/Beverage: one kind of sweet buns and sweet pasta
Color: blue
Animal: none
Movie: Forrest Gump
Music: I am not really into rap, but if it has good beats I can go with any kind of music
Pictures of yourself, please:
sorry the pic is kind of old....from last Christmas, but I don´t have anything new. Also my hair are now ordinary brown and blond XD
How did you find your way here: thanks to my sister
sashjun Who do you think you are most like and why: I actually think I am like....OK,I don´t wanna say becasue this can influence you....XD
Anything else: Woo hoo, let´s spread Arashi LOOOOVE !