Please link to 2 applications that you've already voted for
One. Two. Name: Marika
Age: 17
Country: Finland
Stamped as (if can, please link to your general application too):
Aiba Masaki Please give a short description about your personality again:
→ Extremely shy, doesn't talk much around strangers, but can be too loud around friends and family.
→ Likes doing all kinds of creative stuff; drawing, dancing, singing, playing guitar, etc.
→ A good sense of humour. Is almost always laughing or making up jokes.
→ Moody. Gets hurt and upset way too easily but tends to forget the reason fast.
♥ a little bit more about yourself ♥
Are you passionate? Probably not. At least I don't think I am. But I guess that means what do you mean by passionate. I can get really into some stuff like drawing but it doesn't last long when it goes away, then it might come back a little bit later again.
Are you romantic? Somewhat. Like dim lights and//or candles and rose petals over the bed, that kinda stuff is pretty. But if it's like "I love you sweetiepie", "Oh dear honey, I love you too", that makes me feel really uncomfortable. No embarrasing nicknames please. :DD
Do you enjoy cooking? Cookings fine and all, but I like baking a lot more. Making all kinds of sweets and getting all dirty because of flour is really fun. Chocolate muffins are my speciality. XD;;
Do you enjoy keeping up with fashion? I don't really follow the fashion. I have my own style and I stick with it pretty much. It's pretty much influenced by punk//rock and "emo".
Are you the intellectual type? I don't know whether to say yes or no to this. The stuff I talk about and such are pretty retarded sometimes, but that aside I'm better than average at school. You figure it out am I intellectual or not. XD;
Good listener? Oh, I can listen, there's no problem in that. I just can't give any good advice and I get all bothered with it.
Are you the talkative type? Yes and no. With friends I'm like "blablablaa" all the time while again with strangers I'm pretty quiet and might say just a few words.
What are your talents? Talents? Um, I guess it's be drawing, I've been doing that ever since I first got a hold of a pen.
Do you enjoy video/computer games? Don't even ask. XD If I get a new game I might get completely addicted to it and do pretty much nothing else but play it for some time forward. Like right now, I got Persona4 a few weeks ago and I pretty much play it every night. Datings sims and rpg's are just too much fun. ^u^;;
Do you enjoy reading? If so, what? I don't like reading books unless I think it's REALLY good book. Mangas and cartoon are fun to read though because they have pictures. 8DD
Animal lover? That depends on the animal. I like those small and cute animals. But like snakes and bugs and such.... no. >__>;;
Do you get excited easily? YES! Be glad you don't see me when I'm watching Arashi's shows. XDD
♥ your type ♥
What do you value in a person? Surprise, it's the sense of humour. I can't get along with those serious guys at all. And outgoing, that way it's easier for me to get to know them.
Traits you want to see from your mate? The kind who could get me cheering up whenever I'm feeling down.
Traits you don't want to see from your mate? I don't want him to be the bully type that makes fun of people and insults them like "Look how ugly that chick is!" Also smoking is baaaaaad~
Does your mate have to share common interests and same personalities as yours? Some would be good, but only a few. My friends are all the complete opposite of me so I believe in that "the opposites attract each others".
Dominate or submissive: Dominate. I can't help it but I am a total "uke". XD
Funny or sarcastic: Funny, because my jokes are often sarcastic so I don't think it'd be good if we'd both be throwing sarcastic jokes in the air all the time.
Shy or confident: Confident, if we'd both be shy we'd just be quiet all the time.
Talkative or quiet: Same as above, talkative.
Child-like or mature: Child-like, that kinda people are more fun to be with, but of course it'd be good that he could act mature when the time comes.
Hyper or calm: A mixture of both so we could jump around together excited but as well sit and just talk.
Affectionate or not: Umm... in the middle?
Carefree or strict: Carefree.
Athletic or not: A little bit athletic. Much enough that he won't just sit on the sofa eating junk food all day long.
Who in Arashi do you want as a boyfriend? Haha, that's Aiba. :DD But because I was stamped as Aiba, I don't think that Aiba + Aiba would be that good of a match. XD It'd be a disaster.
Has he matched with your criterias/requirements? Pretty much yeah. ;DD
Which Arashi member do you think you're least compatible with and why? I don't knooow~ D: Sho? Or MatsuJun? Or Nino? I don't know, I think I might get on their nerves pretty fast. XD
♥ love ♥
Where would you want to go for a date? Not an amusement park. I'm too scared to go on any rides and I'd throw up if I did. But some other place that's similar and fun. Like a festival? Or just sitting around somewhere together alone. Like a picnic?
What things would you like to do on a date? Fun stuff. Oh, if it were a picnic I'd definetly want to feed each others. It'd be fun when you'd accidently miss his mouth and his face would be in food. :DD And then laugh at it together. ^u^ *goes to the daydreamland*
If it's your first date with your mate, how would you impress him? Nothing really, I'd just be myself. Though I might dress up a LITTLE BIT more fancier than usually and put a little bit more make up on too besides just mascara.
Would you ever buy matching couple accessories? Not buy, but I like making accesories myself. So I might make us both matching bracelets. XDD
What kind of gift would you like to give to your mate? I'd probably make something little like a bracelet or a painting and give it with something else that I've bought for him.
What kind of gift would you like to receive from your mate? I'd really really like to get something like a heart shaped self made card with sparkles and all weird lovey-dovey stuff put on it. As in sort of a joke but secretly as in a real gift too. :D
Lastly, what kind of love confession is likely to work on you? Pretty much anything is fine. But I'd like them to look at me, even though it makes me feel all bothered. But definetly not anything like flashy ice hockey screen boards. It should be private.