Please link to 2 other applications you have voted for: Name: Arisa
Age: 18
Country: Australia
Tell us about yourself...
Strong Points: Be there for my friends and good leader
Weak Points: waking up in the morning
Good Habits: checking before doing anything
Bad Habits: act before thinking
Hobbies: playing games, stalking JE :D
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: Being there for my friends because I love them~
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: Getting all moody and angsty before listening to explanations but that's when i think it's not my fault.
Describe yourself in 3 words: friendly, good listener
This or That...
High, medium, or low energy?: depends on the time :D
Impulsive or Cautious:both
Leader or Follower: follower but can be leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic: both
Calm or Hyper:both depends
Sing or Dance: sing~
Good Temper or Bad Temper: both
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill, what do you do :buy magazines to complete my JE magazines complete or put it in the bank for Japan :D
You're stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring :phone, ipod, clothes
You're house suddenly catches on fire in the middle of the night, what will you do: run after warning everyone to go~
If you were a girl/boy for a day what would you do: i'll make the date to be the best we have
A stranger hugs you from behind, what do you do: looks at him weirdly and then scream and hit~
Favorite Arashi Member? Why? (go all crazy fangirl with this one if you like :D) ALL OF THEM~ At this moment it's Jun though~ Riida is cute~ :D
Song: Most of them
Album: All
PV: Truth atm~
Food/Beverage: Japanese food/ soft drinks good~
Color: all
Animal: puppies and kittens
Movie: Twiling atm~
Music: J-POP
Least favorite Arashi member? Why? NoONE~
Song:Some of the older songs (just got bored of listening to them doesn't mean i don't like them nomore)
PV: Step and Go the only one~ D:
Food/Beverage: seafood
Animal: insects
Movie: horrors any thing with them DAME!
Pictures of yourself, please: i've got none gomen~
How did you find your way here: kt_ratings and news ratings~
Who do you think you are most like and why: I dunno but I'm hoping....
Anything else:Nope! Thanks!