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Vote 2 Name: Natasha
Age: 18
Country: U.S.
Tell us about yourself...
Strong Points: Friendly, caring, sweet, funny, open-minded, and loyal
Weak Points: Stubborn, easily frustrated, sometimes emotional
Good Habits: Taking care of my family and friends, doesn't like to gossip, not a big spender
Bad Habits: Procrastinator, easily distracted
Hobbies: Reading books, hanging out with my family and friends, listening to music, playing basketball, and writing.
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: I think my best quality is that I'm caring, because I love to take of my family when I'm home (I'm currently studying in another city) and making sure that my younger brother is doing good in school.
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: I'm stubborn when it comes to my decisions. Whether it be about friends or school, I stick to what I decide and refuse to let people talk me out of it.
Describe yourself in 3 words: Funny, sweet, stubborn.
This or That...
High, medium, or low energy?: High
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Leader or Follower: To be honest, follower.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I say that I'm both, because it depends on the situation for me to be optimistic or pessimistic.
Calm or Hyper: Hyper
Sing or Dance: I prefer to dance, because I suck at singing.
Good Temper or Bad Temper: Pretty good temper.
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill, what do you do: I am calling my girls and going out with them! We'll probably go out to dinner together and then head back to my place for a movie.
You're stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring: My favorite book, face cleanser, and a lighter.
You're house suddenly catches on fire in the middle of the night, what will you do: I would probably grab my glasses and phone and then run to wake up my family. After that, I would make sure that all four of us are out and call 911 with my phone, all the while praying that everything will turn out alright.
If you were a girl/boy for a day what would you do: If I were a boy for a day, I would play basketball, meet girls, and be a better gentleman than any guy ;)
A stranger hugs you from behind, what do you do: WTH?! Since I don't like to be touched by strangers, I would elbow them in their stomach.
Favorite Arashi Member? Why? (go all crazy fangirl with this one if you like :D) I'm going to say MatsuJun, because I was Jun-baited into this group and I ended up loving them all.
Song: Kitto Daijoubu!! I love how the PV makes no sense, but ends up making me laugh and smile the whole way through! :D
Album: Time
PV: Believe
Food/Beverage: I love all kinds of foods, so Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Greek. XD While for favorite beverages I like Jasmine Tea, Lavender Milk Tea Boba, Cocunut Juice, and Mango Juice.
Color: Purple, blue, and red.
Animal: Dog.
Movie: Ironman, Death Note 3, All Harry Potter movies except the third one.
Music: I like all kinds, but it's mainly acoustic, R&B, J-pop/K-pop, and hip-hop.
Least favorite Arashi member? Why? I don't have a least favorite, they're all great! :D
Song: Umm, I'm not a big fan of "Keep A Peek."
Album: Here We Go
PV: Love So Sweet
Food/Beverage: Rice noodle soup.
Color: Pink.
Animal: Snakes and spiders, they freak me out! D:
Movie: The third Harry Potter movie and Twilight.
Music: Any Hello! Project song.
Pictures of yourself, please:
Cheezuu. How did you find your way here: I saw that one of my friends go stamped, so I joined right away! :D
Who do you think you are most like and why: Umm, maybe Aiba, because I'm always happy-go-lucky, but I'm also a big fan of Harry Potter like Jun. So IDK.
Anything else: Even though Jun doesn't look half-Filipino, I'm hopeful for his new drama because the synopsis sounds interesting.