an achievement unseen for 7 years 7 months
translation under cut.
嵐の通算26枚目のシングル「明日の記憶/Crazy Moon~キミ・ハ・ムテキ~」が、発売1週目(初動)で50.2万枚(502,487枚)を売上げ、6/8付シングルランキングで初登場首位、09年で最高の初動記録を達成した。また、初動で50万枚を超えたのは、自身の前作「Believe/曇りのち、快晴」(2009年3月発売)の50.2万枚(501,988枚)に続き2作連続。シングルの連続初動50万枚超えは、2001年7月発売の「波乗りジョニー」(初動51.9万枚)と2001年10月発売の「白い恋人達」(初動52.0万枚)で達成した桑田佳祐以来、7年7ヶ月ぶりとなった
Arashi's 26th single [Ashita no Kioku/Crazy Moon~Kimi.Wa.Muteki~] has achieved sales of 502,000 (502,487 exact), to claim the top single ranking in the 6/8 week, clinching the top 1st week sales in 2009. Also, passing the 500,000 mark in the 1st week, along with their previous single [Believe/Kumori Nochi, Kaisei] (released march 2009) with sales of 502000 (501988 exact), this is the 2nd consecutive achievement. The last time 2 singles from the same artist crossed the 500,000 1st week sales mark consecutively was Kuwata Keisuke's 「Naminori Johnny」released in July 2001 and 「Shiroi Koibito Tachi」released in October 2001, and it has been 7 years and 7 months since such an achievement was made.
sorry this was just my rough translation (i'm quite bad at jap) and i have no idea how the jap market go abt with the 6/8 week thing so don't ask me abt that =P
P.S. I'm not particular abt credits and such, so do feel free to repost and share this piece of gr8 information w more arashi fangirls! (: