Arashi obsession quiz!

Apr 05, 2009 01:14

I was bored, so I made an Arashi obsession quiz. xD I can't say the results are super reliable, though, as the whole thing is really only based on what I know. Haha. Despite this, I only scored 81%. Haha. Anyway, the quiz includes questions regarding real life application of obsessions, general behavior, online activity, and knowledge regarding Arashi. Please do not take the results too seriously (especially if you're a huge fan, but didn't get the score you expected). This is all in the name of good fun.

Last two things:
1. If you want real and honest results, don't search for the answers on the internet while taking the test.
2. This test was not made to make people feel like there are "real" fans and "lesser" fans or whatever. This is just to measure how obsessed you are with Arashi - it's all in the name of fun (and, on my end, boredom).

Have fun! :> And feel free to post your results here xD

* I reviewed the rules, and I see nothing which explicitly disallows this. I sent a message to the mods just in case, but they haven't replied. Just in case anything here isn't allowed, feel free to delete it, but I've given proper warnings, etc, so yeah. :]

other: miscellaneous

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