Arashi no shukudai-kun
Episode 50
Airdate: 070917
Guest: Yamada Yuu
For this episode, there will be lots of fun!
First, there will be some eating
Ohno scooped directly from the pot (Look at Yamada's surprised face!)
Delicious food make him faint upon eating!
And lots of stretching for Yoga class
Mr Air muscles got some help from his group mates.
Epic face guy.
Then, they tried more poses
Ohno stretch like a pro. See how professional he looked!
And Sho stared at the the yoga poses in disbelief :D
He tried doing the pose... but....
Maybe some non-stretching poses are suitable for Mr Air muscles?
Not quite... he look like an overturned fishy... Kowaii....
Skipping time!
Dual skipping. AMNO tried.
(hahaha at the first pic. Yamada's hair ;p )
Seems like Jun may have the idea to skip.
How did Jun x Aiba's dual skipping went?
Oh my AIba hair fetish
--- End of review! Comments are treasured !!! --------
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