
Apr 20, 2006 00:40

There is an open night tomorrow/today.

*Cue uber-spazout!*

Distract meeeeee? Reuqest something from me?

Rules are:

1. Fandom I know - KKM, FMA, LotR...hell, I'll try HP if you're willing to risk it.

2. PLEASE don't try to to shatter my brain.

3. Four request limit.

4. Ara reserves the right to fanart instead of drabble.


fanfic, challenges

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Comments 85

swgmigraines April 20 2006, 01:01:17 UTC
1) OMG Maou: Yozak/Surprise Me - Fight
2) KKM: Yozak (& or /) Yuuri - Wedding
3) OMG Maou: Yozak/Conrad - The Music Room


4) OMG Maou: Celi/Lazania - petticoat


KKM - YoYuu - Droit de Seigner - 15 aramuin April 20 2006, 02:40:16 UTC
Yuuri didn't faint when he was ushered into the bedroom ( ... )


Re: KKM - YoYuu - Droit de Seigner - 15 swgmigraines April 20 2006, 02:51:41 UTC
I. Love. You. ^_____^ *SNUGGLE* This cracked me up sooooo much. Thank you. X3


Re: KKM - YoYuu - Droit de Seigner - 15 aramuin April 20 2006, 02:54:31 UTC

Glad you liked it hon. ^_~

[Yozak!Muse: *demands PROPER Pr0n next time.*


unedited April 20 2006, 01:17:31 UTC
KKM: Susan/Murata - aura
AU!KKM: Lukas/Ken - mirror
OMG!KKM: IC Julia & OOC Murata - faith


KKM - Susan/Murata - Positive Charge - PG-13 aramuin April 21 2006, 21:03:28 UTC
He thinks of it as a thunderstorm.

The Maou comes to him at night, when the castle is dark and filled with shadows. He wonders, as he sprawls on his bed and listens to the hours counting down, if Yuuri knows about this. Does he remember it when he wakes, back in his own bed with von Bielefeld-kyo in his arms? Or does he just wake and feel muscles pull taut for a second then dismiss it and bounce on into his day?

The faint crackle of gathering power makes the fine hairs on his skin stand up. He can taste ozone as the door opens silently and the faint bluish light outlines the dark shapes. Murata Ken opens his eyes as the Maou's hands come to rest on either side of his head and stares up into inhuman black eyes.

He smiles.


Re: KKM - Susan/Murata - Positive Charge - PG-13 unedited April 22 2006, 21:40:17 UTC

Such lovely prose and I love the odd secrecy and eeeee. *licks it*


Re: KKM - Susan/Murata - Positive Charge - PG-13 aramuin April 23 2006, 02:06:40 UTC
Yay! Glad you liked it hon!

Out of curiousity, the kanji on the icon reads what?

*Assumes something about the sun/moon*


violetsquirrel April 20 2006, 03:25:11 UTC
OOC!CelixGisela (Hers or IC, you decide)- Flame
KKM Canon- GunterxYuuri- Watch

And because I'm predictable:
Death Note- LxRaito- violet


OMG_Maou - OOC(Celi x Gisela) - Lure - 15 aramuin April 21 2006, 21:25:14 UTC
After Shori was lost, she wept for days. The demons who tried to comfort her gave up one by one until she was left alone to haunt the corridors of the massive castle alone. Days blurred by in one endless grey haze and she ate and slept during the day and spent her nights walking through empty corridors ( ... )


Re: OMG_Maou - OOC(Celi x Gisela) - Lure - 15 violetsquirrel April 22 2006, 04:09:16 UTC
Ooooh *loves so very very much* I hadn't thought of Blue! *giggle* Pity that would be too incestuous to ever happen in RP canon XD


Re: OMG_Maou - OOC(Celi x Gisela) - Lure - 15 aramuin April 22 2006, 18:07:45 UTC

I actually misread the challenge as OOC!(CeliXGisela) so this is less a "What if" and more flat out Fandom AU.

Glad you liked it anyway. ^^V


maeritrae April 20 2006, 11:49:01 UTC
All omg_maou:

OOC Gwen/OOC Murata, blade.

OOC Rad/OOC Al/IC Gunter, rope. (This one can be chat rather than canon if you prefer.)

IC Yozak/IC Conrad, pie.

And because I think it'll be interesting to see how you do it, omg_maou chat, OOC Gwen, IC Gunter and OOC T-Zhou, discussing their mun.


OMG_Maou - GwenKen - Reflected in Steel - PG-13 aramuin April 21 2006, 21:39:38 UTC
It's easy to forget that for all the leather, tight clothes and sexy saunter, Gwendal von Walde is a fully trained and experienced Mazoku officer. Murata, safely tucked away in the shadows of the walkway, watches his lover sparring with one of the humans and this world's Weller-kyo, certainly did.

He watches the steel blade flash in the sunlight and watches Gwen's face. Hard, expressionless and focused - for a moment, he sees Shibuya-san as the human is knocked off his feet. Just as unreasoning fear starts to well up in his throat, the swordsman's mask dissolves and the point of the sword drops. Gwen laughs at something the human says and reaches out to pull the smaller man to his feet.

The human is flushed, panting but laughing ruefully all the same as Gwen claps him on the shoulder and they make their way to the water barrel at the side of the courtyard.

Relieved, Murata moves to join them.


Re: OMG_Maou - GwenKen - Reflected in Steel - PG-13 maeritrae April 22 2006, 09:51:39 UTC

I love both the similarity and the contrast between Gwen and Shori.


Re: OMG_Maou - GwenKen - Reflected in Steel - PG-13 aramuin April 22 2006, 18:08:46 UTC
That was the idea I was playing with - Gwen and Shori as polar opposites and Murata suddenly realising it.

*wuffles teh panther*


nekoryuu April 20 2006, 19:51:05 UTC
Still waiting for a reply on that email I sent you about the artwork, hon? =)


aramuin April 21 2006, 21:41:35 UTC

Will get on it, promise hon!


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