Title: a place in my heart (for you)
Fandom: The Eagle (2011 movie)
Pairing: Marcus/Esca
Rating: PG
Wordcount: ~1900
Summary: Originally posted
here at the
Happy Gay Farmers Comment Fic Fest for the prompt a storm's coming.
Title and cut-text from Open Up by Editors.
you are home, you are home )
Comments 8
and this is adorable! "You thought I was going to get swept away in a mudslide." XDD Marcus, Marcus, of course Esca was worried about you, you have the most phenomenal talent for finding trouble and then pissing it off. and they're so domestic, and they have a dog, and oh, my heart.
I await further developments with great interest. ♥
I will write ficlets for youuuu if you want to prompt me because I'm a failure with no ideas of her own? ♥♥♥
Esca adopts a kitten! and it's idk defective or a runt or something so he's afraid Marcus will do his manly Roman thing and drown it so he hides the kitten and is always running off to take care of it and Marcus gets suspicious and jealous and omg what if Esca has ~fallen for someone else and there is manly brooding and then he finds out it's just a kitten and Marcus secretly loves cats THE END
Marcus gets sick and Esca feeds him horrible-tasting home remedies and Marcus has to grin and bear it because Esca loooooves him
actually the "5 disgusting things Esca did for Marcus to show his love" prompt is still pretty apt, I keep picturing Esca as a cat bringing Marcus dead birds and rats and stuff
I could keep going but I'll spare you <333
( ... )
Please say you will continue to write about them? I'd love to see moooore. You have them SOOO IC and its JUST like Esca to worry so awfully like Marcus. And ... he's not even all that off. I wouldn't put it past Marcus to manage to get swept away in a very tiny and isolate mudslide.
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