"Tokujo Kabachi!", a dorama starring Sakurai Sho (28) and Horikita Maki (21) has now officially been criticized by the Japanese Bar Association, it has been learned today.
The dorama focuses on the work of notary publics and their settlement negotiations. Now the Osaka bar association claims that the characters of the dorama often actively violated the Bengoshi-Ho, the Lawyers law. There is something called the Hiben Katsudo, a law that exists for the prevention of non-attorney activities. It basically says that only lawyers may claim recompenses in cases of traffic accidents, divorces, insolvency, debts and so on. Notary publics are no lawyers and therefore they have no right trying to get recompenses from the other party.
There may have been situations where the characters in TokuKaba exceeded their powers, but it's based on a manga and just a fictional story. However, the bar association sees it as a promotion of such acts and wrote TBS a letter voicing their protest against the dorama. They are not suing them or anything, but they expect an apology in form of canceling any DVD and rebroadcasting plans.