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Comments 33

johnnypenn February 17 2014, 19:09:47 UTC
You know what. I understand countries getting weird about their sports teams when it comes to Olympics; But it bugs me when they put so much pressure on their teams. Like, do they not understand that the Olympics is a big deal and they need support not bullshit about making sure to win. How about a little grace here? They are competing, even if they win nothing, they got there and there is always next time.

And on that fein, countries who have teams who don't win and then they kill them when they get back home - fucking stop it. That's bullshit and wrong.

Ugh. Leave off them so they can have fun and do their best, because they want to win more than anything in the world, why else do they go in the first place?


law_oneofmany February 17 2014, 19:36:35 UTC
You're not going to win everything and that's a fact. but CRIMINALIZATION OF LOSING A SPORTS COMPETITION?

that statement alone...

"And on that fein, countries who have teams who don't win and then they kill them when they get back home - fucking stop it. That's bullshit and wrong."

so wait, there are actually countries that kill their competitors if they lose?????


johnnypenn February 17 2014, 19:48:43 UTC
Weeeelllll….it can't be proven and of course certain countries will totally DENY it to their dying breath. But, that news report stayed with me, and now that I re-think about it, they probably said the athletes had disappeared mysteriously after their loss and some people were saying that said country had actually murdered them and were calling for an investigation because human rights, ya know. But yeah, let's just say that being an athlete in certain parts of the world is pretty dangerous ( ... )


crumplelush February 17 2014, 19:51:47 UTC
Throughout the years various members of the Columbian football team have been assassinated for one reason or another. Drug lords pissed off about losing bets is a popular theory, but some have been linked to terrorist activity.


fairyland_not February 17 2014, 20:43:50 UTC
do anyone have links to awesome hd of the men's free and short program?? i'm desperate for my hanyu fix.


(The comment has been removed)

sillycarly February 17 2014, 22:21:25 UTC
I'm genuinely curious as to what's wrong with it? For previous Olympics my cable provider had a few On Demand channels but not for Sochi (super lame), so I also wouldn't mind a video source to watch/share his performance. Or really any Olympic stuff from more than 24 hours ago :(


fukkthedumbshyt February 17 2014, 23:36:24 UTC
There's nothing wrong about wanting to watch him skate (from what I've seen he's super talented) but the way some people have been objectifying him and treating him like he's some super kawaii anime Johnny's on ice spectacle is so weeabooish and disrespectful to all his hard work and talent. Do these people enjoy his skating or just the fact that he's "cute" and Japanese?


ostsiberia February 17 2014, 22:47:56 UTC
Loool, if those people are griping about their athletes being tax thieves then why in the world would they be supportive of hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics which will devour their taxes like a fat kid eat cake?

What's better representation of a country? "I respect my fellow competitors, they played a better game. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be here among the best in my sport." Or *throws a temper tantrum, weeps on camera* "but IIIIII wanted to win the medal!" >.>


eviltracey February 17 2014, 23:47:58 UTC
And what have these so-called fans achieved?


arashinoookami February 18 2014, 07:47:15 UTC
If they are that annoyed about it, why don't they get off their arses and try competing in the Olympics themselves!


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