[Fic Snippet] Elation

Sep 13, 2007 01:44

Just a little snippet, since I'm always writing the poor Troika as tense, stressed out, etc. They really, really do deserve something nice.

Title: Elation
Characters: Yukimura, Sanada, Yanagi
Rating: G/K
Warnings: Absolutely none.


“I’ve been thinking…” Yukimura starts, glancing between Sanada and Yanagi when the three of them sit together after practice in the clubroom. He tries to remain even and nonchalant, but that’s something of a battle at the moment. It’s difficult to hold back the grin that’s threatening to overtake the lower half of his face as he speaks again. “I might play at Kantou.”

Yanagi is smiling quietly, and Sanada actually shoves Yukimura - harder than he has in a long time, too. “Might,” Sanada responds, smirking. They all grin at one another for awhile before growing quiet. Yukimura’s decision to play in an official match is like some kind of release, some ticket back to normal life and not worrying and simply being tennis-obsessed middle-school seniors. They’ve waited a long time for this.

“Maybe I should play Singles Three,” Yukimura suggests, although he isn’t completely serious. Someone who doesn’t know the Rikkaidai captain very well might think he says this because he thinks he’s too weak to take Singles One or Two, but a smirk pulls at Yanagi’s lips and Sanada actually laughs. Yukimura has that much pride in the current team of Regulars, is that confident that everyone is going to win, is that eager to play.

“We could play a game right now,” Sanada suggests, even though they’ve just finished games during practice. Who cares? Tennis is just…good for the moment.

Yukimura hops off of the clubroom table, grinning at Sanada and Yanagi over his shoulder. “Tomorrow.” He has forever and ever and ever to play tennis and it’s wonderful. Sharing his decision to play again makes it real, makes him joyful and reckless and spontaneous. He hadn’t anticipated the feeling- it’s been a long time since he’s felt this way - but he feels like he has to grab it and hang on before it disappears. “Let’s…run a lap.”

“Run a lap?” Sanada is startled out of the shared elation for a moment, but Yukimura is already hurrying out of the clubroom and then the locker room. Yanagi, who is the least likely of the three to be spontaneous, actually smiles widely and follows Yukimura out. “Come on, Genichirou,” he says, grabbing onto Sanada’s arm to pull him along. “Let’s celebrate.”

The three of them go smoothly around the track, but instead of pacing themselves they simply take off. Yanagi shifts back to his quiet smile, running steadily along the innermost lane. Sanada and Yukimura pay absolutely no heed to the lines painted on the ground. Yukimura has his arms spread out as though he’s going to take off for flight any moment; Sanada’s run is energy charged and every once in awhile Yanagi hears both of them laughing. It is a rich, full sound, untainted by extra concerns and worries.

They need no victory dance, no cheers or whoops, no confetti or balloons or cartwheels. The run is enough, and towards the end Yukimura grabs both Sanada and Yanagi’s hands so that they can all finish running side by side. It is the way they have done everything important over the past two and a half years - together.


And now I feel bad because it just doesn't last. *sigh*

In real life news, I was offered positions on both pediatrics and oncology Tuesday. Quite the birthday gift. I need to choose a unit by Friday and in all honesty I'm leaning towards oncology - I just love long-term patients and familiar faces. There's a risk in getting to know sick patients, but it doesn't go without its rewards.

yanagi, yukimura, sanada, fanfiction

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