Words fail me in describing how much the title of this auction just pisses me off. THEY ARE MORE THAN A FUCKING FOOTNOTE IN THE CAREER OF ONE MEMBER. Especially when that member is not Takashi, YOKO or YASU.
The real kicker for me is knowing how sad it would make him to see that sort of behavior.
Also, what the fuck is with the
two DTs listed for ¥4,800 each? They aren't rare. Hell, what's with the general price gouging on FAIRY FORE items in general these days? It's not more people give a damn now than they did a year ago.
AND OH GOD. KING DEMOS. Going for at least twice what they're selling them for at lives, but since they keep selling out almost as quickly as KING drops them, I guess I should just be glad someone is selling them. Also Live in Tokyo DVD, but than actually be bought at places like Jishuban club. Their demos are fuck-damn rare, and I'll be damned to pass them up again. D: Curse them for having a fanbase that actually gives a shit about actually listening to their music.
Also, random old lovebites single going for almost nothing. ♡ Do want.
You know, finding those CDs put me in a better mood. Aww, thanks, lamer bands. ♡♡