Avengers fanfic 0_o

May 06, 2012 23:40

So I am posting this here before I hit any of the comms out there because.. I dunno. Feelings. and because I may end up saying a lot of stuff in comments at first. And, well, ffs. I wrote this because I thought the first fill for the prompt was way too generic and didn't really do what it was set out to do. that probably says too much about me ( Read more... )

what the fuck, fanfic, lj, clint/natasha, writing, avengers

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Comments 4

workerbee73 May 9 2012, 01:40:38 UTC
Holy shit that was intense. And I'm really glad I hadn't just eaten dinner because wow ... graphic. (Good call on all the warnings, btw.) That being said, you did a great job of painting the nightmarish landscape Loki implied. I kept wanting to look away but I couldn't. The music was a really nice touch. Very evocative. And the last scene is so haunting, so unsettling, and I think it gets to the heart of her fear, and the absolute tragedy of it. This fic is going to stick with me for awhile.


arabwel May 9 2012, 23:41:41 UTC
wow thank you! I was not sure if I'd succeeded with the music but I'm glad it worked for you.


ninety6tears May 12 2012, 01:13:12 UTC
You definitely captured the sense of not just physical torture but the intimate and psychological touches. And those last lines...even though that was part of what Loki threatened and I should have seen it coming, it was heartbreaking.


arabwel May 22 2012, 23:13:01 UTC
Sorry for taking so long to reply, LJ has eaten the comment notification. Thank you!


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