New Year Resolutions

Jan 02, 2011 05:32

So ok, these are my New Years Resolutions for 2011

- Get out of the house more
- Learn German
- Stop giving a fuck about hwat people think of me
- Learn to use Fruityloops
- Become a better DJ
- Travel more

I blame #2 on synthpop_girl XD ( Read more... )

friends, travel, dj ara, clubbing, 2011, rl, dominion

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Comments 8

pickleboot January 2 2011, 05:36:53 UTC
i can help with the german. i speak it well enough and need to get back to it!


arabwel January 2 2011, 05:46:03 UTC
Awesome! ;D I dunno yet how to start but I am sure I will find SOME sort of an internet resource....


rifumi January 3 2011, 00:13:31 UTC
I highly recommend the Pimsleur courses for a good start. They only teach you how to speak, you have to go through a 30 minute session every day for 90 days (important: speak the exercises out loud!). It may seem slow going at first, but it really drills the basics in your head and gives you a reasonable accent. Then continue with Assimil if you want grammar etc. The Pimsleur cds are probably available at your local library or for no cost on the net (you know where :P).


arabwel January 3 2011, 00:17:40 UTC
I am not sure which way I am oing about it yet but it helps that I have plenty of pet germans and german speakers around to practise with!


rifumi January 3 2011, 00:29:34 UTC
Yeah, but for practicing on a meaningful level you need to reach some sort of a semi-conversational level first. German isn't too hard to learn though, once you have somewhat of a vocabulary you can start building sentences by using the structural rigidity of German to your advantage (ie. just copy-paste nouns and verbs into the correct positions and you'll sound reasonable, unlike in English or Finnish where the sentences are formed in a more complex way).


rifumi January 3 2011, 00:23:25 UTC
Oh yea and regarding the thing about what people think.. sometimes it's a good idea to actually listen to what other people are saying about you. Not any slander or so of course, but it's very important to be able to listen to criticism even when it's something you don't want to hear. Think about it this way: All criticism is positive. You can usually find something worthwhile, something to consider, something to focus on from it. It's the only way to develop yourself beyond your own limits anyway.

Not caring about what people say in a negative way comes from having a strong sense of self. You will feel strong when you see yourself developing, even if admitting your own shortcomings (that we all have) can be painful at first. Denial and false claims of confidence are of no use, picking the useful things out of what is being said is the way to learn to be humble in a healthy way and to grow a real, solid self-consciousness where you know who you are and can stand on that, still always ready to improve.


arricc January 3 2011, 16:59:54 UTC
I should really really really learn more German, but it's not like I've been married to one for 7 years... Oh wait....



arabwel January 3 2011, 17:03:06 UTC
Gg, you, gg.


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