meh + memer

Jul 24, 2010 17:56

for various reasons, am not going to mera luna this year. (unless someone can borrow me 300 euro or so? didnt think so ( Read more... )

friends, random, bands, rl, music, stuff, festivals, meme, lj, meh, argh

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Comments 17

nestillia July 24 2010, 17:05:55 UTC
I've never heard of Faderhead before.


arabwel July 24 2010, 17:08:52 UTC
Faderhead is german electro/industrial. Gets a LOT of airtime here in Dublin. I suggest checing out the song I mentioned, as well as TDZV, exit ghost, dirrtygirls/dirrtybois and horizon born :)


What's my Letter? nestillia July 24 2010, 17:18:43 UTC
Tappity-Tap-tap, I'll get right on it.


Re: What's my Letter? arabwel July 24 2010, 17:25:41 UTC
it shall be.... G :D


for my next dye-ing project deliriums_dream July 24 2010, 17:16:43 UTC

Ooo Oo Oo I'd Like a letter.


Re: for my next dye-ing project arabwel July 24 2010, 17:25:23 UTC
You can has... J! :D


(The comment has been removed)

arabwel July 24 2010, 18:50:52 UTC
Have thee... N! :D


order_of_chaos July 24 2010, 22:17:07 UTC
Hi Ara! Give me a letter! *grins* No guarantees that I'll be able to think of five, or six, or seven, or that my choices will be remotely sane.


arabwel July 25 2010, 14:47:56 UTC
Hi Chaos! what can you give me for a H? :D


order_of_chaos July 26 2010, 02:49:30 UTC
With youtube links, because they're my version of laziness!

Hoist the Colours (PotC)
Half Jack (The Dresden Dolls)
Happity (Fatcat & Fishface)
Heaven Help My Heart (Chess)
Hope Eyrie
Haggis Season (Captain Beaky)


pickleboot July 24 2010, 23:34:20 UTC
i'll try. no ide of i can come up with videos


arabwel July 25 2010, 14:50:20 UTC
Try with a B! :D


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