Title: How To Make A Better Vampire
Chapter: 20 - Testing the Waters [Featured Characters: Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline and Damon]
Author: JenniferH (Arabian)
Rating: M (For future chapters/language, sex, violence)
Summary: Post 3.22 -- Elena grapples with who she is as a vampire, struggling for control as she tries to find herself and accept
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Comments 8
RE: Tyler, he did tell Caroline he was leaving, so him being at the dance is her hope.
I wanted to parallel the two because it fit there, and yeah, to really get some of the unintended, but still there, hurt from Elena to Damon cleared. I'm glad that the overall feeling of it worked for you. Thank you so much for commenting. :)
Poor Stefan, so much denial :P Poor Caroline though, he's using her to get Elena jealous. But knowing you're a Stefan/Caroline shipper, it will turn around the good way :)
I love the friendship between Elena and Bonnie so much. A shame we haven't seen that much on the show itself lately. Amazing parallel, by the way.
Oh, Damon and Elena. They're so good for eachother. I love them so much. Great, the way you still had him wary of Elena's intentions. I do understand why people don't like Elena, I just find myself feeling for her. Poor girl, she's been through so much. Loved her finally going for it (thank you, Bonnie!).
Anyway, really good chapter (if it wasn't obvious already :P).
Eh, at least Caroline knows, and she's using him to make Tyler jealous, LOL! And yes I am definitely a Stefan/Caroline shipper. :)
Bonnie's been kinda separated from the rest a lot this season, but I get why story-wise. I always like the opportunity to play with the friendships in my story though.
I really liked how that final Damon/Elena scene came out so I like that others are enjoying it as well. I do differ from you in that I really don't understand why people don't like Elena, I feel so much for her.
Thank you again for commenting! :)
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