Title: How To Make A Better Vampire
Chapter: 16 - Coming to Terms [Featured Characters: Damon, Elena, Matt, Rebekah and Stefan]
Author: JenniferH (Arabian)
Rating: M (For future chapters/language, sex, violence)
Summary: Post 3.22 -- Elena grapples with who she is as a vampire, struggling for control as she tries to find herself and accept who she
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Comments 14
RE; S/C, erm, I'll just say that they are listed in the notes as one of the pairings, uhm, yeah. :)
I adore Damon and Jeremy. I just think that Ian and SRM have great chemistry, and Damon and Jeremy have such an interesting dynamic. Even going back to their few scenes in season 01, they always just worked so well. As much as I'd love it, I don't think they'll ever go as far as I have on the show, so I'm having as much fun as I can with them in my fic.
I'm glad that D/E is working for you too, since they're the key focus of the story, LOL!
I'm in a bit of a slump writing right now, but I hope to get back on track this week. Thanks for commenting. :)
And I ADORE the Rebekah scene.
This chapter took FOREVER to write, trying to get that break-up right. man.
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