RIP: Whitney Houston

Feb 11, 2012 22:39

Oh my God. I just, I grew up listening to and loving her music, and ... just wow. So young, so very young (only 48), and just, wow, may she rest in peace :(

Not her biggest or most well-known song, but this is my favorite of hers:

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Comments 12

brandyleigh February 12 2012, 07:13:24 UTC
Yeah, I was really shocked to hear about her death. Maybe I shouldn't have been, as I knew she had drug addiction problems, but she just seemed like one of those entertainers who would be around until they were old and gray, regardless of her issues.

I love "I'm Your Baby Tonight", too, in addition to several of her other upbeat songs, like "It's Not Right, But It's Okay" or "I'm Every Woman". But I still think my favorite is "I Have Nothing".


dulcedeusex February 12 2012, 07:47:07 UTC
OMG. I just read the news and am soooo sad! I can't watch YouTube vids on my phone, what song did you pick?

Srsly though, I don't even know how MANY hours I spent as a kid (singing along to her albums)! I still remember being 13 and putting on a show (using a mop) for my stepdad that was basically me doing all the hit songs from The Bodyguard. *sigh*

And with all the shit that went down in her personal life (these last 10-12 years) it's super sad that she went out like that. And you're right she was waay too young!


frust_sheep February 12 2012, 18:00:08 UTC
That is so sad. :( R.I.P. Whitney!


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